Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake. Similar to Escudo. Not quite as peppery to me, and the added sweetness of a cavendish center. Available plentifully and cheap.
That's okay. Seems strange to me that bulk burley flakes seem nonexistant. Have been searching for a couple of days, and it would seem that someone would have marketed it. Hmmm.
Aye, Sir! It's very interesting that there is such a lack of burley flakes though. You can find multiple flakes of nearly all genres, but burley seems to be the black sheep. Is burley faltering in popularity, or is it more difficult to make flakes with?
It's probably not a high demand blend. First it's flake and secondly it's a straight burley ( not very complex). When I'm in the mood there are two I will smoke. One is Peretti's Burley Slices and the other is Solani's Aged Burley Flake (not a bulk and a little pricy but I think the best there is). I have some aged Burley Slices jarred. Send me your address in a PM and I'll send you a sample to try. Keep in mind it has about five years on it so it's probably a bit more mellow that fresh stock. Dutch
Someone was asking about bulk burley cubes a few months ago. Doesn't C&D have something in this genre. I've been ocasionally smoking some of their Burley Flakes #1 and their Big and Burley bulk lately. Man o man, thats some good stuff. You'd like #1, but it's not a bulk.