Whilst popping along to my first ever gathering in london's nay THE worlds oldest tobacconist fox's, I was cordially invited free of charge(very nice chaps London pipe club) to sample some new blends.with a supply of empty pipes in my bag I got stuck in! War horse you say? Yes please,Bengal slices?,don't mind if Ido. I was in seventh heaven, celubrious surroundings overlooking the hustle & bustle of London through smokey windows. Glass of port anyone? Cup of tea?,sounds to good to be true? Well it was, as I was enjoying what was honestly one of the finest smokes I've ever had(Bengal slices)I was informed that unless I was thinking of emigrating to the states I would'nt be enjoying that wonderful tobacco anytime soon. Whilst I enjoyed my fleeting moment with what will surely be a classic (Bengal slices) I can't help but feel a bit peeved about it all. I mean all the good brands capstan,St. Bruno, three nuns, produced now on foreign shores! When along comes somebody with the talent & balls to re-produce an old English blend & guess what? You won't be able to get your hands on any! At least not in the country it was originally invented. Cheesed off? Too right I am. You lucky lucky Americans.