I don't think that there has been any studies that I've seen, but I think that the nicotine from cigarettes affects us really differently from pipes. Maybe it is the way we absorb it through our sinuses and small blood vessels. But, Pipes make me sleepy, and relaxed. I fall asleep at my bench during the day if I smoke a high nicotine blend too early in the day. Whereas cigarettes gave me a boost of energy. If I was struggling to stay awake as a cig smoker, I would just chain smoke. But that doesn't work for me with pipes.
Plus, when first starting on the pipes, even after a hiccup inducing, gut wrenching high nic blend, I kind of had that feeling like I still needed a cigarette, maybe for that lung feel, but pipes just didn't slide in easily as an alternative. There is still a bit of a transition feeling that you have to struggle through. For me, I chain smoked my pipe, still do, ha ha. But, I added in some jog/walking, bike riding, and even running. Now, I ride my bike for 45 minutes a day. That helped tremendously. I got my lungs back, and got to keep smoking, minus the inhaling.
Good luck. I hope you get through it. Being a cigarette slave sucks. At least being a pipe slave has more class.