I haven't seen a meer in many years I desire. So it's been a long time since I purchased one, 30 years I suppose. I can't really address today's market. I own seven. Only solid meerschaum and I'm not a fan of African pre-colored meerschaums nor do I favor artificially coloring. I have never seen a meerschaum where the initial wax coating was smoked or abraded off. So adding additional wax only imparts a temporary waxy color, in my opinion.
Meerschaums are easy maintenance, same as a briar, except no cake. Cake inhibits coloring. Handle the pipe, when warm, by the stem if you don't want to use a cotton handkerchief or glove and desire a fairly uniform coloring. Wiping the bowl after it cools, so to let the residues soak into the bowl, will minimize caking, a careful paring now and then when necessary.
There is no guarantee as to even coloring. Coloring depends on the structure of the meerschaum, you will get anything from a gradual, from the heel up the bowl to mottled. It's a crap shoot mostly. Finger prints, oil and dirt will affect the wax coating and will insure uneven coloring.
Again, my views are based only on anecdotal evidence, 50 years of smoking meerschaums almost exclusively in the evening, at home. I pick one after dinner and will smoke three or four bowls before bed.
Meers are brittle, not as brittle as they appear though. But, I do favor treating them gently, especially the very ornately carved ones. A drop on tile, asphalt etc. may be catastrophic. Carpet is more forgiving.