Belt Pouch?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
This is something I've begun to consider. I smoke in my car sometimes, and I would smoke during the 1/2 mi. walk to work from where I park, but eventually the pipe has to be put away somewhere, and during no-jacket weather the pipe would bulk up my pants pocket and turn them black. Same problem in parks, too, and I need to start walking more. So a pouch that can hold a pipe, some tobacco, and be worn on my belt would be nice. But when I hit up my search engine for "tobacco pouch", not one of the hundreds of pouches available for sale has a belt clip! Am I going to have to resort to plastic bags and cargo pants?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015

I did a search at a couple of major pipe dealers, and didn't see any belt clips there. They all seemed to be travel oriented, maybe for packing into your suitcase, although so many looked like they should have clips on. Never bought anything with a belt clip which didn't advertise that feature, so I had to presume not. Did somebody make belt pouches illegal, or are there not enough pipe nerds like us to have them in the market?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
Thanks, 1Coyote for the link, don't know how I missed that stuff to begin with. Some of it looks nice, but not the cheap solution that I need right now.
Ugh...this is too frustrating! Everything is either too big and without a belt clip, or it's a bit more than I expected to pay. For that kind of money I can buy several pairs of cargo pants, which I guess is best for me anyway. I don't like wearing fanny packs, and I've carried my phone in my back pocket since I developed too much of a gut to wear that comfortably on my belt. I just wanted to find out what options were available.



May 29, 2011
Googling "Pipe Holster" revealed a plethora of ideas. Some of them might be available, or custom made. I have a cheap one from the 80's that seemed too flimsy: felt that I would lose it and the pipe if I brushed against anything. Seems to me that running a pipe cleaner through the pipe after a smoke would be necessary, since dangling it straight down might result in some pipe juice on the trousers.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 30, 2014
Pack it in a sock and stick it in your pocket. Till you find something.
I know a farmer that considers this his preferred method of concealed pipe carry.

I think he uses a dress sock when going to Church... :wink:



Oct 17, 2013
Goggle "Sporran"...... Traditional leather pouch worn with a kilt but there are several that will go onto a belt and they would be the perfect size for a round tin, a lighter, tool. etc.



Feb 21, 2013
You might also look at Sears or Ace Hardware for belt clip tool pouches or holsters. Sometimes repurposed items are perfect. Camera cases and bags might also provide a similar repurposed use.

Fanny pack!!!


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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 20, 2015
ha ha, I have considered in buying a fanny pack, they were cool in the 80's and early 90's when i was a kid, I used to put my sling shot and my pebbles in there, but now I think I would look rather silly in wearing one, perhaps so one out there sells a sheath for the pipe, how about a gun holster, just don't put your gun in there just your pipe tobacco and pipe.

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