After a long break from latakia blends (about 2 years), which was preceded by a latakia binge (about 3-4 years), i just finished a bowl a Star of the East Flake and I could actually taste the constituent tobaccos and not have them completely overwhelmed by the black leaf. The weather here has been cooling down this past week. From 80s-90s with clear skies and ample sunshine, to low 70s with cloudy skies and evening thunderstorms. Earlier today I decided I would give a heavier latakia blend another shot and see what happened. I loaded up a newish danger poker cob and had a cup of Earl Grey with a spoonful of honey and sat under the carport and watched the rain. It was quite enjoyable. I'm interested to see if this was a fluke, or if I may be able to enjoy some of my old favorites again. Time will tell, but I think I'll try some Quiet Nights next and see what happens. Has anyone else found their way back to full English blends after Lat burnout?