Aromatic Tobaccos And The Importance Of Room Note.

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Feb 21, 2013
Aromatics are the backbone of the pipe tobacco market, into the ninety percent of sales, according to one of our blending masters Russ O. My front line of blends are non-aromatic and toward full strength, however I do enjoy milder blends and some tobacco forward aromatics as a change of pace, to retain the full pleasure in the full-strength blends. The aromatics that act as room scents mostly have too much flavoring and the wrong flavoring for me. But even a more subtle aro like Royal Yacht can elicit kind remarks from non-smoking bystanders. This is a good thing. You don't have to smoke room incense to be considerate. But also, sometimes, you just have to smoke those stinky non-aros too.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I find that whatever blend or type of blend I smoke, when I leave the room for a few moments then return there is just a general fug in the room that to me smells of nothing other than tobacco smoke...neither pleasant or unpleasant.
I do wonder if someone with better powers of smell than I have could be able to say which particular blend I had just smoked.



Apr 14, 2014
Central Ohio
Jay, you are overthinking this...........
Its simple, Here's Jay, after smoking his stinky plugs:


And here's Jay, after smoking some aromatic tobacco:


See??....................... :laughat:



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"Aromatics don't due it for me, but that doesn't mean they aren't good tobacco."
Crash, that is something else I have considered though I have no evidence to back it up: why would a tobacco producer use the finest quality leaf only to then soak it in some fruit flavoured goop?
It's rather like a pipe maker who finds flaws in his otherwise perfect bowl who then decides to rusticate the pipe to hide the flaws. I can't help but wonder if some tobacco blenders use inferior leaf for their aromatic blends.
Just a thought :puffy:
EDIT: Yikes I get me some plum pudding with apricot and cherry blend :D



Feb 13, 2015
On the subject of having a very ascertaining sniffer: Many people say Prince Albert and Carter Hall smell like cigarettes. They may or may not, but I don't get that out of them. To my nose, cigarette smoke is very sharp and actually acrid, and PA/CH smoke is just a neutral generic tobacco smell.



Nov 18, 2013
I always thought the term aromatic was a misnomer. A lot of natural tobacco blends smell "like a pipe" vs a cigarette or cigar. It doesn't take a pouch full of second-rate burly soaked in sugar syrup to give off a pleasant room note. In fact, a lot of those blends named after desserts smell overpowering and cloying to bystanders.



Nov 16, 2016
I just recently started smoking a pipe and love it. I, like many I assume, started with aromatics. Fortunately I quickly fell in love with English blends the first time my senses were graced by Latakia. I still like to smoke my aromatics while driving my car or on my lunch breaks. This keeps the car smelling sweet and my coworkers noses from scrunching up when I get back to the grind. I actually still get some flavor from aromatics while smoking because I let the smoke billow around my face as to inhale a bit through the nose. Aromatics are not my first choice, but still have a place in my rotation. Plus, they remind me of the pipe smoke I would smell as a kid. Strangely I don't remember where I smelled it because I can't think of any family members smoking a pipe.

Jan 8, 2013
I enjoy both. When I first began smoking a pipe, like many others, my first blends were aromatics. I was quickly introduced to a few balkan and english blends and a then a few viriginias and VaPers. So at an early stage I was learning the benefits of both aro and non-aro alike. I still smoke aromatics quite often. Not because I need to, but because I often enjoy them. One can find good aromatics made with quality tobacco and still taste the tobacco. Sometimes the room note is lost to the smoker but I find wafting my hand over the bowl brings some smoke to my nose and I can smell it then. This also helps bring out the flavor. I smoke aros for my enjoyment. My girlfriend normally cares less what I'm smoking. I'll ask her how something smells and usually she just doesn't give a hoot. There is one blend that does it for her, H&H Blackhouse. She loves when I smoke it. Really REALLY loves when I smoke Blackhouse. I'm the luckiest man on the planet :mrgreen:



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"I always thought the term aromatic was a misnomer."
Shutterbug, I wouldn't say it was a misnomer but would certainly say there is some ambiguity as to what constitutes an 'aromatic'.
I like Erinmore Flake and Plug, University Flake, Condor Flake and Plug and the like. Some would say they were aromatics, others not. I personally would say that they are indeed aromatics but not in the same way as some that are absolutely dripping in synthetic flavours from a chemistry lab and where for me there is no tobacco flavour whatsoever and that is where I draw my line.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
"Not me, as I never make misteaks in grammer or spelling!"
I would disagree John, there is a huge difference twixt 'leaching' and 'leeching'!
Ja, sure, der is, der is! When we leech tobaccos here, we take the tins down to the river, fish out a few leeches, and set them on the tobacco, and then we leach out the leech droppings, dry the tobacco and we're off to the races! So my mistake was one of careless proof reading, not grammar or spelling. A speling err is like tobaco or sumthin.
OK, so you caught an error, the first one in 4,000 posts! :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 9, 2015
I hated aromatics... well the goopy American ones that is. Wouldn't touch them, let alone put them in my pipe. Then one day I decided to do an experiment. Could I take a traditional American aromatic, ala BCA and mix it with enough of my Burley tobaccos to add strength, flavor and depth, but get the added benefit of having something that was appealing to those around me?
Well, it worked. So, my sort of day to day blend is a mix of C&D Cube Cut, Perique and some sort of black Cavendish. Tastes great, smells great and has enough nicotine to satisfy. I tend to enjoy the more stout, non-aromatic blends in the evening when I am relaxing.



Might Stick Around
Nov 10, 2016
I find a place for both in my rotation. Sometimes ill smoke a arro because my wife is outside with me but more often its just for a change i like the smell of them to. I just wish they tasted as good as they smelled but i do pick up the slight flavor so i like it for a change. Ive never smoked a pipe tobacco that did anything for me as far as nicotine goes so i dont care that there supposedly have less nicotine. Sometimes ill add five brothers to whatever arro im smoking just for a little more body.



Mar 25, 2016
I like Brie and water crackers and caviar and toast points like the next person, but I like me a bag of Doritos once in a while, too. Come to think of it, Doritos see the inside of my guts more ofter than the yummy uppity snacks.
There was a time when I would deliberately pick a cheery, sweet aromatic when in company to share the room note. I like them anyway, like chips and cheap beer. Not just Mac Baren Vanilla Cream and Cult Blood Red Moon; I also enjoy the occasional bowl of Captain Black Regular and Paladin Black Cherry. I may not smell the room note the way others in the room might, but then there's that "mustache note" factor ...
Anywho, just a few days ago (Thanksgiving, in fact) I loaded up a bowl of Middleton Apple, hardly a reputable smoke in these circles. No one to impress this year, as my only company this year was an old, old friend who smokes Natural American Spirits. I chose it because (gasp!) once in a great while I like the stuff, and I associate smoking certain flavors with past holidays. My long-winded, pedantic version of "smoke what you like," if you will. :mrgreen:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 3, 2014
Often sit in the smoking shed outside my local pub with the other half smoking. She sure hates latakia aroma that's for certain.
I am of the same opinion as drwatson (previous post).
The most compliments for room note, if that's the right word, is when I smoke lakelands. Rum flake, Coniston cut plug, Kendal mellow mahogany etc. Takes all sorts.
When I'm smoking I do like a decent aroma rising up....English (lat') tobaccos aint the best for my own nostrils at all.



Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
My family appreciates me smoking an aromatic when we all go for a stroll in the weekend, I cut in a 50/50 mix with some turkish ribbon for extra taste. Occasionally I will smoke an aro on the way to work even though I am by myself. I generally smoke tobacco flavoured tobacco, but I have a short list of aromatics I find pleasant and will smoke in rotation.



Feb 13, 2015
Middleton's Apple is good stuff. It may take me six months to go through a pouch of it, but it's one of the few goopy aros I actually like the taste of.

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