I've never been one to tell someone else how to live their life, the individual knows best how to live it. But, I'll echo to add what others have said, it's only too much if you feel like it's too much. But that being said, if I put on my psychology hat, the fact that you are asking if it's to much means that you have questioning doubts and think you might be over doing it. If that is the case then there is no harm in cutting back by a few bowls. For me, personally when/if on the rare occasion I hit 6-7 bowls in a day, I feel like I over did it. But then again, my bowls tend to last 1-1 and a half hours so if I'm hitting 7 bowls a day that means from the time I woke up till the time I fall asleep I have a pipe in my mouth. Which there isnt anything wrong with, but my mouth will let me know I should have stopped a few bowls ealier. If, you are asking for a medical opinion, you are well past heavy smoker territory, and the risks associated with smoking greatly increase once you pass the 2-3 bowls a day threshold. But, to each his own.