I'm Richie Cunningham and this is my wife Oprah.....No, seriously though, I joined this forum in 2016 and then went to Instagram big time. I have since taken a big break from that an decided to return to this forum last year. I have since realized that I never did a formal introduction. So let's do that now. I'm 50 something and am located in southeast Texas(Beaumont to be exact). I started messing around with pipes in college back in the 1980's, laid off for a while and came back to them about 3 years ago. I currently have about 2 dozen pipes which I smoke quite infrequently. But I do enjoy them whenever I can.
This evening in honor of St Patrick's day I'm smoking my lone Peterson( an estate Shamrock shape #53) loaded with Peterson Balkan Delight(not one of my davorite blends but not a bad smoke). And with that I'm enjoying a bottle of Guinness Extra Stout. But now the pipe is finished, the bottle is empty and the mosquitoes are buzzing around me so it's time to call it a night. So, Happy St Patrick's Day to y'all and I look forward to many future posts and to reading yours as well.
This evening in honor of St Patrick's day I'm smoking my lone Peterson( an estate Shamrock shape #53) loaded with Peterson Balkan Delight(not one of my davorite blends but not a bad smoke). And with that I'm enjoying a bottle of Guinness Extra Stout. But now the pipe is finished, the bottle is empty and the mosquitoes are buzzing around me so it's time to call it a night. So, Happy St Patrick's Day to y'all and I look forward to many future posts and to reading yours as well.