A Most Exciting Lunt

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Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016
My wife and I attended a wedding at a fishing lodge a few hours south of us this weekend. As the wedding reception wore down, my wife and I decided to take our dog Buddy out for a walk and give me a chance to lunt. I packed and lit my pipe (a nording signature with Rattrays Highland Targe), and we headed on down the gravel road. On the walk spotted a moose in a yard. We passed with no incident, but realized with that sinking feeling that I had forgotten my gun in the car as we were at a wedding, we weren't wearing proper footwear and we had no charged phones. We turned around soon after realizing we had no option but to cross paths with the moose again (which was not acting normal). On our way back, the moose was closer to the road. We kept our distance, hanging back, I started to shout and make a commotion to try and drive it across the road, and it seemed to work, it crossed over and went enough into the trees for us to take the opposite path. We slipped into the trees by the road, trying to pass but allowing ourselves the protective cover. After cutting through some private property and getting past, we decided to veer back to the road, we saw the moose had u-turned..... and as soon as it saw us, it charged. I immediately unleashed Buddy, pointed him toward the moose and yelled, "Buddy, go!", he rushed in, head to head with the moose, and they started their dance. We ducked back into the trees, and when the kerfuffle moved away we ran like hell back to our car. Buddy came back to us like he'd just had a leisurely stroll, uninjured, happy, and tired. I've never truly had my Karelian Bear Dog tested in a wild situation, for what he was bred for, but after that, I trust my dog to the end of the world. He got a nice hunk of sirloin steak last night. Oh, managed to keep my pipe lit the whole time as well, had to go back to the cabin and pack a new one to calm the nerves after that run in though. By far one of the more exciting lunts I've had.

Jan 8, 2013
Holy smokes! Yeah, that's quite the opposite of a peaceful, leisurely lunt :lol: Your dog may well have been a hero this weekend. He definitely earned more than that steak. Give him a pat for me. :clap:

Jan 8, 2013
I just looked up temperament for Karelian Bear Dog. It reads... Tenacious, Cautious, Loyal, Territorial, Brave, Independent



Dec 14, 2015
Nice work, Buddy! I've been in a few similar situations, though not with a Moose! That dog is a keeper.


Jan 8, 2013
Saying as how that Moose could easily have outweighed your dog by 1,450 pounds.... I'd say that is one seriously bad ass dog.
In dog speak it would go something like this....
Dog 1. "So... you're human is asking you to charge that moose?"

Buddy. "Yep."

Dog 1. "And you're gonna do it? That's a mighty big animal there, coming your way."

Buddy. "Yep."

Dog 1. "Is that all you're gonna say about this?"

Buddy. "Yep.... well there is one more thing..."

Dog 1. "What's that?"

Buddy. "Hold my beer..... " :mrgreen:



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016

Photo of Buddy courtesy of Ford Motor Company



Feb 21, 2013
Wow, that's exciting! It made Buddy's day for sure. Cagey, too. Didn't need that big a meal, knew he was in a bluffing match, and did a fine job. Moose didn't want a dog bite. Buddy's a smart boy, tough cookie, fine moose dog.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2017
Crazy, and what a cool looking dog!! You don't want to get trampled by a moose, they are a big critter and can be very mean.

I have had to stop my wife numerous times from getting way too close to moose. (She is a photographer)



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2016
I think I would need a change of underwear more than a new pipe!
What's amazing is how calm my wife was through the whole ordeal, she's a tough woman.
Because he's built tough... Ford tough. :rofl:

Edit to add: Buddy's a beautiful dog.
Oh the breed is tough, he fell out of the car going 50 mph, bounced down the road, when I got back to him, he was bleeding, but upon calling the vet "is he acting in distress? He's a Karelian, he's fine", the Ford photo was from a commercial shoot a produced last summer, film producing is my full time job.
The question is...what blend were you smoking that stayed lit so well?
Rattray's Highland Targe
Wow, that's exciting! It made Buddy's day for sure. Cagey, too. Didn't need that big a meal, knew he was in a bluffing match, and did a fine job. Moose didn't want a dog bite. Buddy's a smart boy, tough cookie, fine moose dog.
Oh, I'm keeping him around, they are a pain to train and raise as they are a primitive breed, but fiercely loyal, they are bred for hunting bear and moose specifically.
You don't want to get trampled by a moose, they are a big critter and can be very mean.

I have had to stop my wife numerous times from getting way too close to moose.
Oh yes, I actually am more nervous about moose half the time than bear (best lunt story is where I got trapped by a Polar Bear). I've been charged a lot more times by moose than by a bear, and bears I have a better grasp of their language. I constantly have to tell tourists and out of staters warnings about moose, they get way too close. Though this year we've had more bear attacks than moose (5 maulings alone or so in the last 6 days), but we aren't into fall yet.



Feb 21, 2013
I hear seasonally, when mating, moose are extra unpredictable. One time I did a children's book which had a moose as a character and made sure I had the genders correct: the males have the big racks, the females have none. Always standing advice, don't tangle with these critters, dangerous for sheer weight.

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