2017 Northeast Regional Pipe Smoking Contest

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Might Stick Around
Jan 8, 2011
It’s that time once again . . .

for the annual gathering of good friends, good stories,

good tobacco and good food

. . . and . . .

The 2017 Northeast Regional Pipe Smoking Contest

Festivities to begin at 1pm on Saturday, December 9, 2016

at the Southern Dutchess and Putnam Sportsman's Association

378 Cedar Hill Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Registration is $65. ($10 of which goes to the SDPSA for renting the facility for the day) We are going to have to limit the the number of contest participants to the first 48 registration forms returned. Fee includes your contest pipe, contest tobacco, contest prizes and buffet dinner. Since pipes will be made according to the number of people who have registered, no refunds can be considered.
Please fill out the form below, make check payable to:

Bill Feuerbach, and send both to Bill at

219 North Street

Newburgh, NY 12550

email: smokepipes@aol.com

phone (at S.M.Frank): (800) 431-2752​
**Please Note***In the event that we receive more than 48 registration forms, we will not turn anyone away. But those received after the first 48 will not be able to participate in the smoking contest, unless one of the first 48 chooses not to participate and relinquishes their spot and the pipe.


Bill, please enter my name in the 2017 Northeast Regional Pipe Smoking contest. I am enclosing my non-refundable registration fee in the amount of $65. (SDPSA members wanting to attend can do so for $55.) RSVP By November 30, 2017







Jul 21, 2015
Good luck to all competitors. Hope they throw you a curve ball, like Mixture 79 plus added Perique in a MacArthur cob.



Jan 28, 2010
Chester County, PA
Yo Al
The format starts at 1 or so. Folks smoke, shop, hang out, compare toys, share tobaccos, smoke, share libations, smoke. Then dinner is late afternoon, after which the main event, the Slow Smoke takes place. It takes awhile to dole out prizes and gifts. Generally we are done about 9.




Can't Leave
Another great day in Wappingers Falls! Doc Garr is the winner, again, of the smoking contest, puffing away for something like an hour and twelve minutes. And kudos to several fellow New York Pipe Clubbers for finishing in the top tier.
The contest pipe must be mentioned. It was a fairly large (Group 4?) Kaywoodie Canadian with a sandblast finish. The English mixture provided for smoking was said to measure three grams, and it filled about 90 percent of the chamber. Something about that combination served the smokers very well. Where we usually have half the competitors out of the contest after 20 minutes, we this time didn't lose anyone until about 30 minutes.
It looked like the snow kept a number of pipers away this time, but the vendors were present in force. Lots of great deals on tinned tobaccos and, of course, beautiful briars and other pipes.
Can't wait until next year!

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