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3 Fresh Castello Pipes
3 Fresh Becker Pipes
36 Fresh Estate Pipes
12 Fresh Rossi Pipes
24 Fresh Nørding Pipes

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  1. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    That is ok. I think I got some helpful feedback. Thank you for your replies. I think I am going to just be careful what pipes I buy. I just purchased another Brigham for under $50. I recently purchased their filters for my newly burned pipe. Hope the pipe smoking is nice for those of you who...
  2. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    So I take it from the list I may be smoking too fierce. Sadly, that is my pace. I did wonder if the briar was defective. I am again using a SOFT lighter. The flame sometimes is an inch and a little long. Still, I guess this is odd. I try to let a pipe cool for a day or so after smoking. I...
  3. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    I like to puff on my pace. Maybe it could be a bowl to throw out early. But the terrible thing is maybe the tobacco is burning too hot? Who knows. I will limit the rest of my comments. I do hope there can be a comment about whether smoking a tobacco that comes from a lightly humid outdoors may...
  4. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    Its been about eighty degrees and not too humid the past few months.
  5. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    Windy at times. I use a wind cap some of the time. Its not bad. We are not near the ocean. I wonder if some of the tobacco burns harsher than others but still maybe it was just the new pipes.
  6. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    I think I do smoke puff by puff. But it has never been trouble before.
  7. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    Hole clean through back of Savinelli 3mm below the top. Hole in side of Nording on the right did not burn full as I stopped smoking it. But the outside buckled. And such a fine thick briar! Hole in Peterson was midway down on the side by the back. Top side of the Brigham begam a burn to cut...
  8. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    We Well. Table outside. Smoker outside. Pipes mostly kept inside. Too much tobacco in two medium boxes today. No need to shuffle back indoors. Don’t steal!
  9. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    That is the humdinger. I hate cameras so much I did not bother to take. It was before this forum popped up!
  10. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    I'll also note I am using mostly bulk purchased tobacco and sometime more a pouch stored tobacco. The Nording was a Signature Black pipe with the flat sitting bottom. The Savinelli was an Oceano Cherrywood pipe. The Peterson was a sandblasted Dracula dublin. Basically, three very nice pipes.
  11. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    These are new pipes. I started inspecting them before I light them for defects. So far the last two were ok, but the Roma is an out. I have a new Baraccini which sits fine. I think overall I like my Stanwell. I just bought a second one and hopefully this might be now my brand of choice. Like I...
  12. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    I am using a soft flame lighter with a one inch flame.
  13. S

    Is it Just Bad Luck?

    Hi. I bought several pipes this year. The main reason? They keep burning holes in the briar. I keep my tobacco on my deck outside. I am beginning to wonder if this is the problem. I lost a Nording after one week smoking, I lost a Savinelli after one week. I lost a Peterson after one week...