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  1. D

    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    Ich hatte Freunde in Kiel and die hatten mir personlich ein Uboot dort gezeigt. Translation: I had friends in Kiel and they had shown me personally a Uboat there. Und einer von meinen Freunde zieht und spricht genau wie ein Uboot Kapitan. And one of my German firends looked and spoke exactly...
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    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    I always wondered for the longest time who my father named my brother Ed after, and my father quickly answered that his favorite cigars were Prince Edward cigars.
  3. D

    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    When I read about "shark activity is on the rise", that is just "not correct". In '45, most of the subs were on lifeguard patrol between Tinian and the mainland, and dad simply told me, "the sharks got there first" when bomber crews had to ditch into the sea.
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    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    Dad was the gunnery officer aboard the Sterlet. Upon spotting a small Jap freighter, lookouts would carefully watch for Jap escorts and especially for Japanese aircraft, and of course the sub's radar operator was constantly scanning the scope. After carefully "coming into range", the entire...
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    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    My favorite OOD story was when the crew of the USS Sterlet rescued a Korean sailor from a torpedoed Japanese freighter. And in the mess, the crew spend the entire nite preparing this sailor on how to properly greet an OOD who would be arriving from the "night shift". He was told that my father...
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    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    I also had to mention that dad also served with John H. "Jason" Mauer aboard the Harder. Dad alternated with Mr. Mauer as the OOD. Mr. Mauer retired as an Admiral. I have lots of submarine OOD stories... but some of them are... a bit grim.
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    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    To the best of my recollection, he simply mentioned to my father not to let that episode happen again. Dad also served with Cmdr Hugh "Screwy" Lewis aboard the USS Sterlet. And I've also heard that diving mishaps are not viewed lightly by the crew. I, myself, served four years in the Army.
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    Wreck of USS Harder Found in South China Sea

    My dad served aboard the USS Harder on its first war patrol. Of course I was quite surprised by this discovery noted here in the of the Harder's final resting place. My father always considered Mr. Dealey as one of the finest, truest and most honorable gentlemen to have...