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  1. welshwizard

    Indoor v outdoor smoking

    I do agree but I smoke mostly outdoors, but you cant beat a good book & pipe full on a winters night when it is cold & wet out. It sometimes depends what tobacco your smoking, some are nice indoors and others better outdoors. Think I will sit on the fence with this and see how it goes, I smoke...
  2. welshwizard

    Flake Fold & stuff Method

    I do prefer flake and always went through a ritual of gently rubbing it and slowly getting it into the bowl all at the right pressure of course. BUT.... having a new pack of Condor flake a while ago and on opening it felt a bit on the dry side for some unknown reason. I tried folding a single...
  3. welshwizard

    Dry Tobacco

    I suppose anything with a large leaf would work, I dont smoke every day so often need to rehydrate it sort of thing :roll: Strangely the last pack of Condor long cut flake I had was pretty dry and I never bothered to put a leaf in with that. In fact I dont even rub the flake I just folded it...
  4. welshwizard

    Leather tobacco pouch

    I carry mine because my pipe goes in a separate compartment while the knife goes in another, as for tobacco 8O that stays in the plastic pouch it comes in & stays fresh for weeks.
  5. welshwizard

    Pro Job from Zippo !!

    They are great lighters, had mine 30 years at least and hope I never have to send it in but good to know you can if you have to. So many copies on the market these days from the far east but I will support Zippo and not buy other crap. Has anyone tried their butane lighter yet? it wont taste of...
  6. welshwizard

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hi folks, I been smoking pipes on & off for 40 years and smoke when I enjoy it not out of habit so when I do pick up my pipe it is always at the right time when I can appreciate it the most. I have far too many pipes which are mostly Peterson bent but also have a few church wardens & other...
  7. welshwizard

    SG-Bracken Flake

    Five pound of tobacco, here in the UK we cant afford five ounces :-) crazy prices here. My last 25 gram pack cost me £4.75 thats $7.75 your money. How much is five pounds of leaf worth
  8. welshwizard

    Dry Tobacco

    Here we are Irish, I hope you can open the link the doc
  9. welshwizard

    Dry Tobacco

    I know some will say not to do this, but I always use a leaf from a weed we call Doc leaf. I put this in with the tobacco for a day or two and it's like new again. On the odd occasion I forgot and left it in there and found it months later there is never any damage like mould. I have always...