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  1. E

    Sick of Pipes, Show Us Your Pets or Classic Cars

    hmmm...nothing impressive, but... that's my classic lady ('91 Audi D11) and some of my pets
  2. E

    TAD Purchases

    Just ordered Nighcap and Marlin Flake (both are 50gr) - these will be my first non-aromatics :puffy:
  3. E

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hey guys, I'm new to this hobby, my first puff was just about 1 month ago :puffy: I currently own ~1970 straight Stanwell (I don't know the exact model, i can post i pic if you, guys, can help me) and one "no-name" pipe, which I'm smoking btw, meanwhile stanwell is laying down on the shelf, I've...
  4. E

    List Your Other Hobbies / Interests

    lonestar, small guys live in plastic jars, while the bigger ones have their terrariums BTW, nice table arthur
  5. E

    List Your Other Hobbies / Interests

    I mostly keep brachypelma family (eg. Brachypelma emilia, try to google it guys) and ofc I'll post some pics on monday, when I'll get home from vacation.
  6. E

    List Your Other Hobbies / Interests

    A farm of about 50 Tarantulas, smoking cigars and taking care of my oldschool Audi :)