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  1. Dimitri

    Skandinaviak Reviews

    Γεια σας Παιδια, I am from Corfu but now live in the UK. For me my favorite Skandinavik was the exotic. A real rich aromatic, with the most amazing room note, all my friends would ask if they could roll some and smoke as a cigarettes'! I cannot find it anywhere now, the closest I have got is...
  2. Dimitri

    I’m New to this Forum. Are There any UK & Ireland Members?

    Greetings from St Helens up north!
  3. Dimitri

    Greetings from Greece

    That's great, I am from Corfu! Currently living in the UK, missing Corfu and my family so much Enjoy the lovely island!
  4. Dimitri

    Smoking with Your Eyes Closed...

    Exactly, this is the point I was trying to get across, seems to have gotten a little lost in translation...
  5. Dimitri

    Smoking with Your Eyes Closed...

    Haha yeah, seeing is great!!! :D
  6. Dimitri

    Smoking with Your Eyes Closed...

    Thats very impressive, I dont think I could ever smoke that slow!
  7. Dimitri

    Smoking with Your Eyes Closed...

    I was thinking the other day just how much sight plays a role in the enjoyment pipe mind doesn't half wander when I smoke my pipe! But really, seeing the smoke in front of you, blowing smoke rings, watching a room fill with slow swirling smoke patterns is so much a part of the...
  8. Dimitri

    Aromatics and Non-Aromatics

    As you say, if the packet or tin features the words "cherry" or "vanilla" its an aromatic for sure. Otherwise as others have said its open to interpretation Lines can be blurry, like Smuel Gawiths Chocolate flake, it has latakia but also flavourings which is unusual
  9. Dimitri

    Hello from London

    Greetings from up North!
  10. Dimitri

    ~Old~ Old Dublin

    Old Dublin is one of my staples, that looks beautiful, I wonder what its like...
  11. Dimitri

    English Never Grows Old

    English blends are my go to for sure... I have the odd aromatic and have recently discovered that I really like va/pers But englishes are my baseline if you like, and rightly or wrongly I compare everything I smoke to them Then again they do say absence makes the heart grow fonder!
  12. Dimitri

    Could Ghosting Actually be a Good Thing?

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) I know, how dare I, but hear me out! Is it possible, that a certain tobacco smoked in a certain pipe, with a certain amount and certain type of ghosting could actually taste better than if it was smoked in a neutral pipe and be a match made in...
  13. Dimitri

    Hello from Dorset UK

    Hello, Welcome from up north!!
  14. Dimitri

    VaPers in General and Peterson Navy Rolls in Particular...

    What an interesting link! Only Dunhill to choose from as far as pipe tobaccoo goes, but some great information. I noticed that the other Dunhill/Peterson VaPer, Elizabethan Mixture, lists no additives or flavourings whatsoever So the 2 must differ significantly
  15. Dimitri

    VaPers in General and Peterson Navy Rolls in Particular...

    Hello chaps, picked up my pipe again recently after a break of a few years and I've been trying out English blends and enjoying them. Yesterday however I went to my tobacconist and decided to try my very first VaPer and picked up a tin of Peterson Navy Rolls. Fell in love immediately, it is a...
  16. Dimitri

    A Pipe Holds So Many Memories...

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) ...the thought came to me strongly very recently when i picked up the very first 13 year old pipe I bought when I was 20, a full bent billiard "basket" pipe, and decided to smoke the very first pipe tobacco I ever tried, a very pungent aromatic...
  17. Dimitri

    Short Churchwardens

    Would a prince shape be somewhat what you are looking for? They always remind me of short churchwardens
  18. Dimitri

    Hello from North Yorkshire, England

    Hello Ken, Welcome from St Helens, England. The English side of my family are all in York, I get up there fairly regularly!
  19. Dimitri


    I've always used filters in my pipes and so whenever I smoke without one something seems very off to me. The draw of a pipe is a very important characteristic in my opinion, so changing that changes the character of a pipe massively. Filters seem to be a lot more popular here in Europe than in...
  20. Dimitri

    Do You Smoke for a Nic-Hit?

    Its true, we are all wired up differently. Me and my sister started quiting cigarettes at the same time and she found it much much harder than I did. I wasnt smoking my pipe at the time as I wanted to go "cold turkey" and I was still able to come out the other end alot quicker and unscathed. I...