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6 Fresh Rinaldo Pipes
48 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
3 Fresh Becker Pipes
9 Fresh Brebbia Pipes
36 Fresh Ropp Pipes

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

  1. S

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hey all, I'm 31 and glad to be here. I was a smoker for a long time but have been cigarette free for maybe 4 years now. With cooler weather on its way to Houston, I got the urge to pick up a pipe so I grabbed a briar from Gatlinburlier and a few different bags of tobacco. It finally arrived...