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36 Fresh Ropp Pipes
3 Fresh Castello Pipes
9 Fresh Brebbia Pipes
48 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
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PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

PipesMagazine Approved Sponsor

  1. T

    Young(er) Pipe Smokers

    I'm 25 now but have been smoking a pipe for three and half years. I don't really know what got me interested in pipes but I ha always had a bit of an interest. I do smoke in public without worrying what other people think, I think I'm the only pipe smoker in my area, when I smoke at work I quite...
  2. T

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hi everyone, I'm your newbie from Scotland. I've been smoking my pipes for a few years and an avid Listener to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show for about a year. I've finally gotten around to joining because I'm making plans to visit Chicago next year for my first ever pipe Show