No argument there. And certainly less irritating for people who actually want to see the most recently posted topics.
Someone peed in Spuds Wheaties apparently.
This is one that when I first tried it years ago, I was not impressed. I gave my little block away.
Fast forward to a month ago, and I had the pleasure of sampling some again. Next day I ordered a lb. Good stuff.
I think because this style seemed to be most common for him later in life. There is an abundance of pictures with various pipes, but the current "Bing" style seems to be the most common.
I can't remember the exact day, hell I'm not even 100% sure of the year sometime but I do remember the time in general. My first online pipe purchase was a Dr. G and I bought it from Frenchy. I miss Frenchy.
I started reading this and had a laundry list of advice.... then I got distracted by the pipes2smoke ad on the left. Forgot what I was going to say... sorry. :roll:
This might answer some of your questions, Hawke. I figured no point in trying to explain something that one of the experts can certainly do better.