I am guessing you had an inferior block meerschaum pipe in an Andreas Bauer case. Genuine AB pipes are generally very high quality, and "imposters" being sold as AB pipes (often in AB marked cases) are very common on Ebay.
This article brings back very fond and crazy memories of smoking Balkan Sobranie in the late 60s and early 70s. I love reading threads like this one. Many thanks to those who contributed!
I've had quite a few Meerschaums over the years, and that stem looks like amber to me. And if it is, be careful cleaning it - a genuine amber stem can be fragile. I have cracked one or two by forcing a pipe cleaner through a too-small bore.
Well, here's a little something. At least we know that this catalog existed. http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vtg-1975-golden-horn-meerschaum-pipe-136614647
His tobacco blends are definitely worth trying. I've sampled quite a few of them and "My Buddy" is pretty much my favorite. Also, a great guy to do business with.
Steven Books blends a tobacco he calls "For Meerschaums Only" and has some interesting ideas on the topic. He has a store called House of Calabash. I had a few telephone discussions with him which were fascinating! If you do a google search for him, some of his website had been hacked. Stick...