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  1. Sethology12

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    I tried. It did help but it made me feel like a goober and they constantly fogged up lol
  2. Sethology12

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    Few things more satisfying than that rich almost catnippy rainbow of deep fig and hay smells that hit your olfactives upon opening aged virginias. I can hardly smoke anymore thanks to eye issues and I really miss opening tins weekly lol
  3. Sethology12

    Aging and Pricing Thoughts

    Personally I actually sell tins that can still be acquired on major tobacco sites for LESS than they can be bought for now. Unless the product is sought after/our of production, I feel I personally must bear the burden of the possibility that what is within is dried out. Thus I usually sell for...
  4. Sethology12

    Breath Method

    Never been able to master this method without inhaling the smoke a little more than I'm comfortable with. Seems nice and meditative in theory but in practice it feels harsher and I taste less.
  5. Sethology12

    How/What Beverages do You Pair with Your Pipe?

    Always water. Anything else is gonna really muddle the flavor. Sometimes when I am getting tasteless bowls or cigars I drink a few swigs of water and suddenly the flavor bursts. Also nice because it cools the mouth down a little
  6. Sethology12

    Tinbids Experiences?

    To be fair this is the case with ebay as well. The onus of risk is taken on by the user. At times you get amazing products for steals and sometimes you get gipped. Of course there is recourse for that sort of thing on ebay. But there are legitimate cases with pipe tobacco where despite being...
  7. Sethology12

    Greetings for Northern Virginia

    Welcome fellow Virginian! I'm from Richmond myself but northern Virginia definitely has its own charm
  8. Sethology12

    Tinbids Experiences?

    I've used it quite a bit, bought and sold. Never an issue. Shameless self plug, I'll probably be listing a sum total of half my cellar on there soon 😆 so keep an eye out
  9. Sethology12

    Flake Tabac Question

    I'm the same way. Never been able to master smoking a tobacco anyway but rubbed out. It's hard enough at times to keep my pipe consistently lit just smoking a RR preparation. Folding and stuffing, cube cutting? I don't even bother lol but props to those who can manage it. I'm sure the depth of...
  10. Sethology12

    Jim's C&D Palmetto Balkan 2024 (Small Batch) Review.

    Cornell and diehl has really improved quite alot in my estimation of late. I've enjoyed all of their limited flakes and blends aside from maybe folklore. I'll have to check this one out!
  11. Sethology12

    Smoking in the Wild...

    I mean there are dishonest hacks in every single ideology. There are people who dedicate their lives to a pursuit. And there are others who simple orbit around the progress of others. There are evil people and virtuous people in every single interest group. I'm this regard environmentalists are...
  12. Sethology12

    Favorite Virginia Tobaccos?

    I actually would be willing to send a sample baggy of my 40th anniversary if you wanted to try it. It's definitely unique. But after alot more time with pipe tobacco I've realized it's not as unbeatable as I was led to believe. For my tastes I often prefer capstan or union Square. But mcllelands...
  13. Sethology12

    Favorite Virginia Tobaccos?

    Dang I did not expect to come back to the forum to see Jeremy reeves himself reassuring me! This has seriously assuaged my fears and corrected some fear mongering induced misconceptions about modern day tobacco processing. This is very much appreciated!
  14. Sethology12

    Smoking in the Wild...

    Yuh know you can be an environmentalist without being fanatical. If you enjoy the wilds and the tobacco within it, it is your best interest to be a good steward of the earth. Doesn't mean you have to run oil moguls over with your tesla or whatever you think self proclaimed environmentalists do 😆
  15. Sethology12

    New from Richmond VA.

    Welcome from hanover va!
  16. Sethology12

    Bright Virginias: Cigarette Like?

    Smoke a dunhill cigarette and you'll wish all virginias tasted that way
  17. Sethology12

    Bright Virginias: Cigarette Like?

    Imo good quality cigs are flavorful so I'm probably not that right person to ask anyways lol not that it was directed at me specifically
  18. Sethology12

    Bright Virginias: Cigarette Like?

    I mean virginias are used heavy handedly in many cigs. You may just have to learn to appreciate them on their own merits or accept your aversion
  19. Sethology12

    Jim's C&D Carolina Red Flake 2022 Review.

    If cornell went down we'd also lose gl pease. It'd be pretty horrific to say the least to lose them both
  20. Sethology12

    Quebec Hikes Tobacco Tax Today.

    Can't wait to buy black market cigarettes with 70% more lead in them all because big daddy government wants to play at doing a public good