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18 Fresh Sara Eltang Pipes
72 Fresh Ropp Pipes
84 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
24 Fresh Rossi Pipes
24 Fresh AKB Meerschaum Pipes

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  1. brooklynpipeclub

    FS: Several Lots of Pipes (12/10/24)

    what are the prices on the individual pipes? thank you.
  2. brooklynpipeclub

    Hello from Brooklyn

    Welcome to the forum from another Brooklynite! Maybe we can link for a bowl sometime. It's always nice to connect with local pipe enthusiasts.
  3. brooklynpipeclub

    Hello from Ireland

    Slainte from Brooklyn. I'll be over next week visiting Clare.
  4. brooklynpipeclub

    Hello from Philippines

    Welcome to the group, from one Filipino to another!
  5. brooklynpipeclub

    Kiribi Kabuto / IM Corona Old Boy Comparison

    I agree with the OP's very thorough assessment of both lighters and want to add that I find my Kabuto edges out my Old Boys just a bit when using in a slight breeze as I believe it uses dual jets as opposed to the single one in the Old Boys. That said, I find the fit and finish of the Old Boy...
  6. brooklynpipeclub

    How I Make Oatmeal

    I recently got into making savory oats by boiling them in vegetable broth, adding dried seaweed as it cooks along with, soy sauce and sesame oil. When it'd done I add a fried egg on top along with some spicy chili crisp. Makes a satisfying meal.
  7. brooklynpipeclub

    Choicest Plugs

    We know taste is subjective but for me, the top plugs are Revor, GH Dark Plug, Mick McQuaid (RIP), 3Ps, and Salty Dogs. I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple but these come immediately to mind. A sharp knife is an absolute must for prepping. Enjoy the journey!
  8. brooklynpipeclub

    A Whinge on Forever Stems!

    great point!
  9. brooklynpipeclub

    A Whinge on Forever Stems!

    I swapped out two of my MM cob plastic stems for the Forever 'upgrades'. Sure, the Forever stems are nicer quality material but I've never had my cobs gurgle before putting them on. Perhaps their narrower airway is to blame?
  10. brooklynpipeclub

    Pipe Sighting at the Movies

    Watched 'Amsterdam' on a flight back from Barcelona which starred Christian Bale and Margot Robbie who's character smoked a pipe. A beautiful sight.
  11. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    Had an amazing time indeed. Barcelona is such a beautiful and charming city. Loved the vibe in Gracia where there was a week long street festival happening during our visit. Caught some great live music there.
  12. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    If she goes to Estanc Catedral or Estanco Duaso she'll do well. The tins range from about 12-23 euro.
  13. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    Back from a great trip to Barcelona where I must have popped into 10+ 'tabac' shops in and around the neighborhoods of Gracia and Eixample where I stayed. The aforementioned Estanco Duaso store was a few minutes walk from the apartment I rented for the week and I picked up a tin of Bothy Flake...
  14. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    I'll report back after my trip!
  15. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    Thanks for the tip! I'll stop into as many as I can find.
  16. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    Thank you for this information. Looks like I'll be staying a very short walk from there. I'll be sure to check it out.
  17. brooklynpipeclub

    Barcelona Pipe Shops?

    I'll be traveling to Barcelona in a few weeks and wonder if anyone knows of any good tobacconist/pipe shops there. Also, are there any particular pipe tobaccos that might be readily available in Spain that we cannot get in the states worth picking up? Gracias!
  18. brooklynpipeclub

    Insurance Question, Water and Sewage Lines

    Speaking from experience, it is worth paying the small monthly cost for the sewer line insurance. I had a sewer pipe collapse a few years ago which resulted in a horrible flood in my basement. You can imagine the waste that backed up into my house. If it wasn't for the insurance coverage, the...
  19. brooklynpipeclub

    Zippo Standard or Pipe Insert?

    I swapped out all my zippo inserts for thunderbird butane ones. Not sure if they are the same as the z-pipe inserts you mentioned only with different branding. I prefer these over the standard zippo inserts because I don't really like the smell of the lighter fluid or the need to refuel them so...