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24 Fresh Nørding Pipes
9 Fresh Claudio Cavicchi Pipes
3 Fresh Henri Sorensen Pipes
24 Fresh AKB Meerschaum Pipes
48 Fresh Vauen Pipes

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  1. Gerald Boone

    Who Is Your Favorite Pipe Tobacco Blender?

    As time goes on I find myself buying blending tobaccos in bulk and blending them myself. I like Perique. I like Latakia. So my blend is usually 60% Perique 30% Latakia and 10% tobacco I consider "filler". I have so much fun making my own blend. Perique and Latakia, I have the greatest respect...
  2. Gerald Boone

    Flavour and Temperature

    I would say that is the art of smoking a pipe. Finding that balance where the tobacco stays lit but the smoke is at it's most flavorful. To make everything more complex the tobacco is not uniform. I have serval different types of tobacco all of them smoke a little different.
  3. Gerald Boone

    Drying Time

    The way I am going about it (for good or ill) is to blend some of my tobacco which tastes the best but has trouble staying lit with some of my dryer tobacco which doesn't have the strong flavors I like but has the benefit of being dry. I then mix everything up to make my primary pouch of...
  4. Gerald Boone

    Leonard W Interviewed On YouTube By Big Apple Pipes

    I am hopeful that small scale companies that blend tobacco will see an opportunity to create similar blends. There is a market. There is money to be made. We will always be here. Make us what we want, what we miss. We will give you a market.
  5. Gerald Boone

    Thoughts on The Chair?

    I like to smoke at home in my nice chair next to the air cleaner I have a couple feet away. My nice cozy spot to smoke. I also like to smoke in my Honda CRV; it even has a little pocket to set my pipe in when it gets hot and the smoke is over. My story: I had a meeting in Prestonberg and spent...
  6. Gerald Boone

    Ugliest Pipe award

    I'm tempted to just leave it because it is smoking so well for me. I may ruin that if I mess with it. If I knew what I was doing......maybe; but I work for a non profit so I have no real skills.
  7. Gerald Boone

    Ugliest Pipe award

    This actually is turning into my go to pipe. I can vary the smoke I have from 30 minutes (gravity only not taped down at all, partial bowl) to over 2 hours packed right (I found I only wanted to do that once). The outside is rough but the bowl is slowly building up carbon and displays no signs...
  8. Gerald Boone

    Ugliest Pipe award

    That is incredible I am impressed especially by the stem
  9. Gerald Boone

    Ugliest Pipe award

    Backstory : I was married 33 years my wife died April 2019. I have been with my woman Janie now going on 3 years. She was married 33 years her husband died March 2019. Janie got me a pipe kit for Christmas. My pipe making skills are pedestrian at best. That said I achieved the huge bowl I...
  10. Gerald Boone

    Are tobacco reviews really of much value?

    I find I love Latakia; so I tend to buy tobacco that has a lot of latakia. If latakia is absent I tend to blend it with tobacco that has a lot of latakia so it tastes good. I like the great billows of smoke it makes as well as well as having less of a nicotine hit. I also like Founding Fathers...
  11. Gerald Boone

    Eastern Kentucky Pipe Club

    I have some fine Scwabb's tobacco from my last trip to Lexington. I bet you are right, they have that tobacco lounge area that is perfect for a club meeting. Thanks
  12. Gerald Boone

    Eastern Kentucky Pipe Club

    Thank you, I occasionally travel to Louisville for work. Now I know of another place for pipe tobacco as well. Our end of the state is without a tobacco shop till you get to Lexington. That said it is pleasant here; only place I ever saw a bear close up, about 15 feet from my front door.
  13. Gerald Boone

    Eastern Kentucky Pipe Club

    Is there a pipe club in Eastern Kentucky?
  14. Gerald Boone

    Your Own "Worst" Tobacco

    I have some "bad" tobaccos as well that I tend to blend with something strong that I like that is a bit too strong to have alone. The bad tobacco is my "filler" so I'm not using so much of the tobacco I like. I think a lot of us have that bad tobacco we wondered why we bought it. Maybe someday...
  15. Gerald Boone

    Do You Associate Pipe Smoking with a Sense of Spirituality?

    I don't know if is the tobacco or if it is us. Perhaps we are, ourselves, more contemplative than say those who smoke cigarettes or vape. It is hard to smoke quickly; it's possible but kind of uncommon. So maybe we that smoke slowly and enjoy the slow ember working it's magic are of a more...
  16. Gerald Boone

    Gerald Boone : Introduction

    Yes it does make sense, rather profound :)
  17. Gerald Boone

    Gerald Boone : Introduction

    Thank you I am heeding your advice on the tins and bought a huge mason jar for the tobacco sold loose in shops.
  18. Gerald Boone

    Gerald Boone : Introduction

    Thank you :) I lived in New Mexico for a time (I was a kid then 1974-1977) and love the southwest
  19. Gerald Boone

    Gerald Boone : Introduction

    Thank you Yes the site has already helped me a lot. :)
  20. Gerald Boone

    Gerald Boone : Introduction

    Thank you I had the genetic testing for ancestry done and found I am 73% German.