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2 Fresh Wojtek Pastuch Pipes
24 Fresh AKB Meerschaum Pipes
24 Fresh Nørding Pipes
24 Fresh Rossi Pipes
24 Fresh Estate Pipes

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  1. P

    Worst Pipe(s) That You Still Smoke A Lot?

    Yes..mine as well. The point was that I was going to trash these pipes and they are now my work horses
  2. P

    Worst Pipe(s) That You Still Smoke A Lot?

    Good afternoon, We all have our star players... those expensive artisan pipes that really make a statement! BUT, do any of you have a pipe or pipes that are really rough but you still smoke a lot? I thought it might be fun to share some pics of your favorite beater pipe(s). Maybe they are...
  3. P


    Thank you.
  4. P


    Good afternoon. Is there going to be a Capitaland pipe show in 2025?
  5. P

    Boswell Blends

    I smoke more of Boswell's blends than any other tobacco. I live fairly close to their Pennsylvania store and usually make it there a couple times a month. In fact, I was there today and got an aromatic called cherry smash, which I enjoy. I also picked up a pound of my favorite, Private Stock. If...
  6. P

    Does Your Spouse Know How Much Your Pipes Cost?

    I'm at the point in my life where money isn't a real consideration(Retired, well invested, always worked two jobs). I only say that to point out the fact that my collection reflects my taste and not my finances.Frankly, there are so many pipes moving in and out of my house that I don't think my...
  7. P

    Thoughts on Good Pipe Racks?

    My buddy has a collection of about 200 pipes. He didn't care about open display storages but was interested in a cabinet he could keep them in. He ended up buying a jewelry armoire similar to the one in the picture. There were several felt line drawers. There were also the side sections(where...
  8. P

    One (Or A Few) Tobaccos?

    Evening Piper, I know lots of you have a large rotation of tobaccos and welcome the variety. On the other hand, even though I have a large and varied cellar I find myself smoking the same two or three tobaccos all the time...Orlich Golden Sliced and its twin Boswells Private Stock and Pegasus...
  9. P

    Packing Question

    Good evening. I have a question to throw out to the forum. I have a particular pipe that I really like… the look, the feel, weight, clench ability etc. The only problem is the draw is abit tight. It is not so tight that it makes it uncomfortable to smoke but requires a slightly different...
  10. P

    Calabash Help

    Sorry. i meant to include pics
  11. P

    Calabash Help

    I know a good bit about Briar pipes having collected them for years. I have recently taken an interest in Calabash pipes but I don't know anything about them. I was in an antique store yesterday and saw this calabash and this stand for a total of $50. It seems like a good deal. The pipe is in...
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    Drying Time

    I know this topic comes up pretty often but there's lots of new pipe smokers on here that might benefit from hearing this fresh. I almost always buy my tobacco in bulk form. I really prefer my tobacco on the dry side and almost always put it out on paper plates overnight. It might seem that 8 or...
  13. P

    Out of Pipe Cleaners

    One of the codgers I smoke with recycles pipe cleaners by wiping them off with a paper towel after each swab. You probably smoke 6 to 8 bowls a day and only uses two or three pipe cleaners for the whole day.
  14. P

    Quality of Modern Pipes vs Good Quality Vintage Pipes

    I own around 150 pipes but have restored over 300. I have a few pipes that I have paid well over $300 for but most of my pipes are old estate pipes that were in rough shape that I have restored. I would say my average dor an estate pipe is around $15-$20. I only own 2 pipes that I consider to...
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    Part Of My Collection

    I have been collecting and restoring old estate pipes for years. Hundereds have moved through my shop but here are a couple of bad photos of my current, ever changing collection. There are several new Boswell pipes and a few new Savinelli's but other than that these pipes are all old and...
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    Confessions Of An Amateur Pipe Restorer

    This looks really great. Love the story about your grandfather. The smell of pipe smoke was sure part of my childhood and I have a feeling my kids will say the same.
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    Possible Tongue Bite Solution

    I'm very close with a young man that's 35 years younger than me. When we first met, he was a dedicated cigar smoker, but his wife hated the smell. When she was around me she always remarked to her husband about how much she liked the smell of my pipe. She even told him he could smoke a pipe...
  18. P

    The Greywoodie Show...Great Podcast

    I love podcasts...especially pipe based podcasts. I just discovered the Greywoodie show and it is really great. Nathan and Eugene are compelling podcasters and the content is very interesting. I highly recommend it!!