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  1. badbriar


    WTF is OOP? I OOP is a girl slang. So, what is OOP in regards to pipe tobacco? I simply cannot be the only schlub that is wondering what this is!
  2. badbriar

    Moving to Burley Blends - Advice Needed!

    If y'all would be so kind, please advise on some good lightly cased/topped Burley blends - that are currently available. I found a few pretty good ones that are out of production at this time and am looking to try more. I like some English crossover blends and decided to try some in Burleys...
  3. badbriar

    I've Been Gone 5 Years...What the Hell Happened?

    On the bright side, HU is now available, as well as those you mentioned. Start building ones you like that are on sale. At the present time, pipe tins are still affordable, but a lot pricier than you remember from 5 years back. Don't look back at those that are gone - move on and enjoy new...
  4. badbriar

    One (Or A Few) Tobaccos?

    Variety for me is the norm. That said, sometimes I hit one that I stay with for a while.
  5. badbriar

    Does Your Spouse Know How Much Your Pipes Cost?

    Funny thing though... My wife simply cannot understand why I need another pipe. She replies that they are all the same. I asked her why she has so many shoes and often gets another pair. Her reply - SHADDUP! rotf
  6. badbriar

    Nording Hunter Blends

    I agree with pappymac in that these are not the same as the originals. Heck, the entire bends have changed. Makes me wonder why they chose to stick with the original blend names and not go with something different. It's not like there are only a few dog breeds to choose names from! Must...
  7. badbriar

    Advise: Can’t Taste Pipe Tobacco After Chest Infection

    Give it some time - probably will be fine. You were likely taking some heavy duty antibiotics, which will thoroughly screw up you sense of taste and likely your sense of smell as well. I bet if you drink your favorite beers, they will taste off as well! Hang in there and be well!
  8. badbriar

    WTB/WTTF Maple Shadows 02.04.2025

    Looking to trade or purchase a tin of Maple Shadows. Have various blends to trade. PM if you are interested and I can let you know what I have to trade. Or, can outright purchase.
  9. badbriar

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    Comparing a current production of a particular pipe tobacco vs that exact same one from years back is pretty difficult due to the fact that most, if not all of such blends have changed. Many have changed significantly to the point that they likely should not be considered the same blend. Ex...
  10. badbriar

    Do different pipe shapes work well, or not so well, with different tobaccos?

    I believe that the pipe shape and size can make a difference in the temperature of a smoke. Thick walled, heavier pipes insulate the hand and longer stems can give a cooler stream on the draw. As for taste, I do not have a very discerning palate and have not observed any difference with...
  11. badbriar

    Let's Discuss this Forum

    May I have some, please sir?
  12. badbriar

    Let's Discuss this Forum

    OK - this is GOOD! Laughing my happy ass off here! You da man!!!
  13. badbriar

    Let's Discuss this Forum

    OP makes some great points! Sure, there are posts with pissing & moaning, but no need for anyone to get one's panties all bunched up. It always amazes me when I read disrespecting comments to someone else's post. As has been said many times before - simply don't read the thread if it is not...
  14. badbriar

    Quality of Modern Pipes vs Good Quality Vintage Pipes

    Do some more research on similarly priced pipes. There are a lot of options. Also, there are some really good pre-owned ones here on the forum for sale. Good thing about buying from someone on this forum is that they will nearly always be absolutely straight with you about the pipe and the...
  15. badbriar

    STG Enough Already, Chicken Little, Or What?

    Those who beguile the commentaries on the STG situation need to remember that if they do not like the discussions, simply do not read them. Period. No-one is forcing anyone to ready the forums. Also remember that there are a LOT of people who value the opportunity to express frustrations...
  16. badbriar

    Post from Jeremy McKenna on Mac Baren closure

    Why do companies have bankers and bean counters on the BOD that do not have the same product or manufacture interests as the owners? This outcome should not have been a surprise to anyone. Unfortunately, the controlling interest owner was a bit short sighted on the continuation of the...
  17. badbriar

    Post from Jeremy McKenna on Mac Baren closure

    Damn - Just Damn! After reading this info piece from JK, I have to apologize to STG for believing and blaming that company for the demise of Mac B and Sutliff. Seems that, once again, our own government has royally screwed us. As was said here previously, no big surprise. The do-gooders...