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  1. O

    Brief GH Brown Flake Unscented Review

    Possibly here also, but at least on one other forum @gawithhoggarth has said they don't use as much African leaf as they used to.
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    Brief GH Brown Flake Unscented Review

    I don't see anything in @gawithhoggarth replies that rise to the level you are speaking of. Basically they have said that nothing in the manufacturing process has changed, and some refuse to accept that. Same sh*t, different day , except everybody gets more emphatic with each iteration.
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    Brief GH Brown Flake Unscented Review

    As far as it is within my ability to figure out what people mean by Lakeland essence, it would be the the flavor imparted by Rose Geranium and/ or tonquin used in many, but not all, of the "Aromatic ' blends. I have never, ever gotten a hint of these flavorings in Brown Flake or Dark Flake...
  4. O

    Brief GH Brown Flake Unscented Review

    Brown Flake Unecented is a staple. I can't recall the last time I didn't have some on hand. Whatever forums seem to term Lakeland essence is something I have never been able to find in this blend. Good review.
  5. O

    Bob's Chocolate

    If so, what could the reason conceivably be?
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    Bob's Chocolate

    I have smoked BCF since the 1980's. It is my favorite blend. It is a chameleon. Even from the same 500 g bag, I notice different flavors predominate. It isn't and never has been a chocolate bomb. If I want a real dose of chocolate I reach for Mac Baren Burley London Blend. With BCF, sometimes...
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    1970s Unsmoked Castello Sea Rock bent Billiard with Military Mount

    Not in my case. I keep pipes scrupulously clean. The freezer trick hasn't worked.
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    1970s Unsmoked Castello Sea Rock bent Billiard with Military Mount

    I have not one, not two, but three Castellos that have over the course of the years fused together. I have zero clue as to how to fix them, and I am not convinced anyone else does either.
  9. O

    Premium Cigar Industry Wins Case Against FDA

    Nothing new to report. The cigar ruling doesn't in any way change the deeming regulations re: pipe tobacco.
  10. O

    What are Quality French Estates?

    Jean Lacroix likely made pipes in several price and quality grades, but I have a Lacroix Cardinal lovat with zero fills and a very nice hand cut (so stamped) bit. Great smoker
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    Lane Crown Achievement

    If you like it enough to buy 5 pounds, JR will sell it to you.
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    Famous Dunhill Smokers

    The playwright, Arthur Miller
  13. O

    Best with Coffee...

    Mac Baren Burley London Mixture
  14. O

    Help Me Identify This Castello Shape Number

    For many years now, 33's have run much larger than that. The first 33's I ever saw back in the 1980's were, of course, so stamped, and roughly that size.
  15. O

    Ennerdale Ready Rubbed

    More often than not, that is the first thing I get from it
  16. O

    Ferrous Tins inside Mylar - A Quick Recipe For Disaster?

    If there is a problem, wouldn't O2 absorbers help? Or silica gel? Both? ETA: or @FurCoat 's suggestion?
  17. O

    Ennerdale Ready Rubbed

    More Aromatic, in the sense of more flavorings, is spot on. That doesn't equate to "more Lakeland." Whatever that is. Tobacco Reviews has a total of 242 blends listed for GH. They all qualify as Lakelands in my book, since they are made in the UK Lake District. But they don’t all taste like...
  18. O

    Ennerdale Ready Rubbed

    Doubtful The topping on Ennerdale hasn't changed over the 35 years I have been smoking it. There are prolific posters who claim otherwise, here and on other forums, but I strongly disagree. The predominant flavor is a good bit less floral than any number of GH blends, such as Brown Flake...
  19. O

    Samuel Gawith Tins and LJ Peretti paint cans?

    On one social media site, you tube channel, or whatever, there was a report of some exterior rust on some Esoterica tins that had been stored in Mylar after 2 or 3 years. I have had SG tins stored about that long intact in Mylar that so far haven’t shown any signs of rust. When I saw a second...