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  1. robwoodall


    Except for some early experimentation, all my pipes are Savinelli and Rossi. Savinelli was the first pipe I found that smoked the way I liked, so I just stuck with them. When I heard Rossi was made by Savinelli, I bought one, and liked it as well. So I bought more. I'm not a huge collector. I...
  2. robwoodall

    Prince Albert And The Hardline Reality

    Do you have Prince Albert in a tin? ... You better let him out before he suffocates!
  3. robwoodall

    How To Deal With Controversial Opinions

    perdurabo, I see your point, but I still lean toward renewables, or at least continued research to make them more competitive. I'm certainly not an activist on this issue. Of my motorcycles, three are gasoline powered, and only one is electric. I do think that, eventually, solar, wind and fusion...
  4. robwoodall

    How To Deal With Controversial Opinions

    So, perdurabo, What you're saying is that the moral and socially responsible thing to do is to burn MORE coal and oil? No offence, man, but I'm gonna just stay duped, k?
  5. robwoodall

    How To Deal With Controversial Opinions

    Sparrowhawk, Yeah, Climate change is always a hot topic. So many people are so deeply invested in the opposing sides. The unfortunate fact is that both sides have lied. One side has exaggerated the problem and the certainty to try to make things better (or at least different). The other side has...
  6. robwoodall

    Cellaring - How Wide and How Deep

    I've been smoking a pipe for a year and a half, now. I'm still sampling, and my taste is still evolving, so I haven't gone too deep, yet. I tend to buy samples in a four ounce size, and store them in bale-top jars. Experience tells me that the bale top jars will keep it fresh for at least a...
  7. robwoodall

    I Just Graduated Seminary!

    Hey, congratulations! I have a great deal of respect to anyone who actually studies and learns about their faith. Seminary-trained ministers, priests and rabbis, all. I live in Alabama, where we do a thing called self-ordination. Many of our self-ordained preachers are really knowledgeable, but...
  8. robwoodall

    Blood Donation

    I donate regularly, but I've never actually known who it was going to. That's really cool to know you are helping two specific little girls instead of some generic stranger.
  9. robwoodall

    How To Deal With Controversial Opinions

    Were I as smart as I sometimes think I am, I would always, always, always pick #2. Just ignore it. When I let myself get mad, I feel like I've already lost and sometimes even lose sleep over it. I'm pretty sure "the other guy" gets a kick out of my response and feels like he won. Sometimes I do...
  10. robwoodall

    Homeopathic Tobacco

    bcharles123, Thank you for saying that. People do confuse the various alternative "medical" terms, but homeopathy has always seemed one of the most bizarre to me. The idea that the tiniest amount of a substance can be dissolved in a huge amount of water, and then since "the water has memory"...
  11. robwoodall

    Rossi 8202 Napoli

    scarface, Rossi are made by Savinelli, and appear to be identical in every way. They tend to be less ornate and sometimes have slight cosmetic flaws, but are still Savs. If you like Savinelli, you'll find the draw the same, barring major manufacturing defects. Is the one you're looking at one of...
  12. robwoodall

    Does Anyone Have a Savinelli 622 That Will Pass a Cleaner?

    Thanks, MSO. I've yet to find a pipe I like as much as the 622. I will happily keep smoking both mine, and probably buy more, so it's not a big deal at all. It's just that, if it would pass a cleaner, it would move from being "the best pipe I've found, yet" to being "the best pipe, period." I...
  13. robwoodall

    First draw on air flow check

    Well, dang, PipeStud. I have the same issue as the original poster, and that never occurred to me. Sometimes the best advice makes me feel that I should have already known it. Thanks!
  14. robwoodall

    Does Anyone Have a Savinelli 622 That Will Pass a Cleaner?

    One write-up described the Savinelli 622 as "A bent pot with the depth of a Billiard." It has a huge tobacco chamber, is relatively lightweight and is rapidly becoming one of my favorite pipes. But... I have two, and neither will pass a pipe cleaner. One occasionally will, with an inordinate...
  15. robwoodall

    Gamers - Smoking while Gaming

    I do, but I really need to stop. If I'm playing something fast paced, I over puff and burn the heck out of my tongue. If I'm playing something more precise, I forget the pipe and let it go out. Sometimes I notice my jaw getting tight and sore from over clenching. I just haven't had a really...
  16. robwoodall

    The Latest Twist On Twist

    Why does nicotine affect people so differently? It's a mild stimulant, chemically, but snagstangl was kept up. mctinner1 and cosmic were put straight to sleep. I don't seem to be affected either way, but I find myself craving it after only a short time without it. I'm extremely addicted, but...
  17. robwoodall

    The Turn Signal Lament

    "Hey... What's that clicking noise?"
  18. robwoodall

    Speaking of Morta

    Oh, wow. I've never been all that attracted to the Blowfish style, but I really, really love that one! And I really, really love sitters, too!
  19. robwoodall

    Produce More Smoke ?

    I wasn't thinking about you, Cosmic, but we do need to remember that not everyone knows what we know. I just gave a test, and the average was a whole lot lower than I expected. It looks like I forgot that they hadn't spent the last 30 years studying what I study! I've only been smoking the pipe...