Virginia Gold in the last photo and Canadian Virginia (see June 26 2nd photo, more pointy leaves). In the end it's hard to distinguish them, and I don't. I miss Aztec Wild, will grow it along with Virginia or Burley next year.
I got this pipe (a Ukrainian product by the way) for my birthday. Nice long thing :) I didn't notice the smoke being cooler, is it a legend or truth? Came with a pouch of Danish tobacco, really nice.
What a hostile moderator, locked almost all my threads :( OK folks it's been fun (perhaps rather short) but that's it for me, I didn't come here to fight. Keep puffing, good luck and cheers!
One more, another day I asked how to fill empty cigarettes only to find out they are called tubes. Would've never thought of that. Another word learned :)
I wonder how English got that specific. says: ORIGIN OF DOTTLE: 1815–25; dial. dot small lump (probably identical with dot1) + -le. Makes little sense to me.
The point was the more you see on your filter, the less you'll have in your lungs. But also I subscribe to the opinion that none of that matters. I don't advocate for anything, just trying to have a conversation and hopefully a laugh ;)