I just acquired this cigar pipe for it's unique look. Turns out, it's quite the joy to smoke too! I was wondering if anyone had any information about it. Thanks in advance.
Sunrise topwater fishing. Taken in the Gulf Islands National Seashore. If you look very closely, near the top of the photo over the the building, you can see the topwater plug in flight.
Since I currently only smoke two tobaccos, I have one leather pouch for each. The one for the Prince Albert doesn't seem to have ghosted. The one for the C&D Dark Fired Kentucky has.
'Tis but a scratch. Swish with some warm salt water, Listerine or whisky. That'll fix any damage the pipe smoke has caused. This is of course, for self inflicted wounds. Surgical procedures require the time to properly heal. I'm not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.
The older I get, the more I seem to be embracing my varying state of "pissedoffedness". I figure I've damn well earned it. I haven't displayed any on here though. I cruise through the forums for a chuckle and to get information.