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  1. mso489

    ***What Are You Smoking, September, 2023?***

    Getting to the bottom of this tin of SG&Co Squadron Leader special edition with Perique, in a Peterson B11 bent brandy sitter with a smooth finish and grain that has deepened in contrast and visibility over the twelve or so years I've owned it. This was a modestly priced version of this...
  2. mso489

    The American Tourist - Clumsy Travel Mistakes

    Though I took classes in school and even audited one my senior year in high school, I seem to be dyslexic in French. I could read a novel, once I'd caught up with the vocabulary, and a newspaper in French, but I could never hear the language much less speak it, though I tried. On my sixtieth...
  3. mso489


    Maine, eh? Hey from central North Carolina. My wife and I have two of your cats ... Maine Coons that is. Not the fancy ones you buy for hundreds of dollars from a breeder with papers, but litter mates that were rescued out of a drainpipe that cost us one hundred bucks each to support the cat...
  4. mso489

    G.L. Pease's Take on Panel Pipes

    I've always liked panel billiards. I went to a pipe show one time with only panel pipes in mind and came home with an unfinished Savinelli panel and a handmade Jerry perry carved from Mountain Laurel. Since then, I've picked up a Kaywoodie Saxon blast that is both light weight and well...
  5. mso489

    Can a Pipe be Made Lighter in Color?

    I've bought several unfinished pipes over the years, and they have all colored over time. Some have gone from the color or raw lumber, very light, to looking richly stained, uniform in color, and the oldest look actually stained and highly polished, all this with no wax or other product. If...
  6. mso489

    Who Is Your Smoking Pal?

    Great critters all the way on this thread. Fred and Lefty, the cats, really are good smoking companions. They take an interest in the packing and lighting up, and seem to enjoy the scent, uh room note, and sometimes watch if they see a smoke ring, and will often doze on my desk when I smoke...
  7. mso489

    New Member from Ohio

    Hey from central North Carolina and welcome aboard. 'Spent some time as a kid around Cleveland with an aunt, uncle, and cousin my own age, in Vermillion and Westlake. My uncle took us to a Indians game.
  8. mso489

    Turned Off To Shrimp

    We're not close to the N.C. coast, but good fresh shrimp used to be available at moderate cost close by. People used to sell them by the side of the road. Now I have no idea what I'd be getting. I think it is mostly frozen product from Asia caught in who-knows-what waters. Mostly, they...
  9. mso489

    Prodigal Son

    Hey from central North Carolina. Welcome back aboard.
  10. mso489

    Ashdigger’s 1904 Peterson Meer

    Impressive coloration on that meer. I haven't seen anything quite like it. The stem is perfection.
  11. mso489

    Who Is Your Smoking Pal?

    Sorry, couldn't wrestle my two Maine Coon (seeming) cats on the same post. They are Fred, top, and Lefty, bottom, siblings from a Pet Smart sponsored adoptathon about 13 years ago. I was working full time, so they wouldn't let me take a kitten without taking his brother as a companion. That...
  12. mso489


    Boy, this is a mind game with yourself, figuring out how to best gather your own thoughts. Sometimes a notebook that is too fancy and elegant makes you feel put on the spot in recording your thoughts, and something you hesitate to haul around lest it get lost. Two main points I'd add...
  13. mso489


    I take a waggish delight in spelling out acronyms just for the refreshing experience of seeing them as words. Acronyms are a bad language habit. If they are spelled out on first usage and then abbreviated as acronyms, that can be a courtesy, but used without definition they are irksome and...
  14. mso489

    Bacon. Cheese. Burger.

    Yum, yum, and also yum. I loved cheeseburgers when I was five years old, and I still do. And bacon. And if I can't have the cheeseburger, I'll take the bacon with peanut butter and jam on toast. Chomp, chomp. There were some negatives being a skinny kid, but no one ever asked me to back...
  15. mso489

    Squadron Leader ???

    A member sent me most of a tin of Squadron Leader special edition with Perique and I've found myself smoking a lot of it. I've never been partial to Virginia blends in the summer in particular, but this summer, this has really hit the spot, with a rich sturdy flavor nicely complemented by the...
  16. mso489

    My First Meerschaum Experience...

    I have quite a few pipes, mostly briars, quite a few cobs, two MM maple hardwoods, a few Mountain Laurels, one cocobolo, and a clay. My one Meerschaum was gifted to me by the late great fish'n'banjo, and I would say you simply can't beat a Meer for clarity and definition of flavors. I'm...
  17. mso489

    ***What Are You Smoking, September, 2023?***

    SG&Co. Squadron Leader special edition with Perique (getting low in the tin) in a Savinelli 673 Opera smooth bent bulldog which I would nominate for the Savinelli that looks most like a Peterson. This lovely blend was sent to me by a member. Merci beaucoup. My wife gave me the pipe for one...
  18. mso489

    Filter life?

    Go by taste. Different people will have different preferences for how long a filter will taste good. I would point out that most (but not all) pipes designed to use a filter will smoke perfectly well without one, so in most cases you have the option of smoking a pipe with its assigned filter...