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  1. Jahman7

    Rustica Characteristics

    Awesome information. I really appreciate it. From my experience: yes, the nic hit is different (as you mentioned before). I found the tobacco to be only mildly rough, but the nic hit to be smoother and more robust. Verses N.Tabacum which is smooth in flavor and smokabillity, but the nic hit can...
  2. Jahman7

    Rustica Characteristics

    Awesome information. I really appreciate it. From my experience: yes, the nic hit is different (as you mentioned before). I found the tobacco to be only mildly rough, but the nic hit to be smoother and more robust. Verses N.Tabacum which is smooth in flavor and smokabillity, but the nic hit can...
  3. Jahman7

    Rustica Characteristics

    Where can i find more information about Rustica? I'm still fairly new to it and don't know where to find definitive information about the varieties, their smoking qualities, and etc.
  4. Jahman7

    Rustica Characteristics

    Ive been smoking rustica in a blend for a bit. I have been attempting to figure out it's characteristics. Is the pH like burley? Flavor is interesting. Kind of like a seasoned sausage. Anyone have any ideas they could bring to the table?
  5. Jahman7

    ***What Are You Smoking, August 2024?***

    This is my base blend of whole leaf tobaccos mixed with some bourbon barrel aged plumb pudding in an unfiltered cob, sipping on coffee. This is my least favorite pipe. Too much air, not enough smoke comes through. Trying to see if I can find a way to enjoy it with aromatics.
  6. Jahman7

    ***What Are You Smoking, August 2024?***

    Is night time here. Almost ran into these ladies on my way out to my porch. They are my personal neighborhood watch on a mission to rid my porch of flying insects. I left them to their business. Smoking a mix of my Caddo Lake Fishing Blend mixed with some WhiteKnight. Interesting blend...
  7. Jahman7

    Dedicated Pipes

    I was thinking the same thing. This has been my experience as well, with one exception... I generally won't mix aromatics with english blends in the same large bowl pipe. I will, however, mix in my small bowl pipe. I have one dedicated to whatever I want, when I want. It's been an interesting...
  8. Jahman7

    Dedicated Pipes

    I've not thought about doing this. Sounds about right based on my pipes, but have not noticed it working out that way until you said it.
  9. Jahman7

    Dedicated Pipes

    Do you have dedicated pipes for smoking certain blends or kinds of blends? How do you decide which pipe you are going to smoke each time?
  10. Jahman7

    Do You Have A Preferred Shape?

    Has it already been said? I can't resist the pun... "smokin hot"
  11. Jahman7

    What Does Latakia Taste Like

    On one end (20-50%): like burning incense. On the other end (<10%): earthy, musty, floral. In the middle (10-20%): like a campfire, sometimes leathery.
  12. Jahman7

    ***What Are You Smoking, August 2024?***

    Enjoying a night cap after a hard day of work. SPC Bourbon Barrel Aged Plumb Pudding on top of some blend I made and don't remember what is in it... but I tasted some perique and latakia in it and it was delicious! Very cool smoke.
  13. Jahman7

    What's Your Custom Blend Made Just For You?

    In an effort to improve upon the Caddo Lake Campfire Blend (see a few posts above), I ended up discovering ANOTHER blend using these same tobaccos. It's amazing to me how slight differences seem to change the flavor/smell profiles enough to be considered a different blend altogether. This one...
  14. Jahman7

    Cob Hazing. This post may help... In my experience: I've only ever enjoyed small cobs, not the big ones. I've owned several small cobs and they are amazing. It takes very little time to break them in, and...
  15. Jahman7

    Solitary or Social Smoker?

    Couldn't agree more...
  16. Jahman7

    Solitary or Social Smoker?

    Enlighten me. I'm on the mid-coast of Texas.
  17. Jahman7

    Solitary or Social Smoker?

    I used to enjoy the comradery like this with a friend who moved away several years ago and has never returned. Miss those times.
  18. Jahman7

    Tobaccos With A Nic Hit?

    Where can I find some to purchase? Sounds delightful.
  19. Jahman7

    Tobaccos With A Nic Hit?

    I don't think I've ever quite felt the way some of you have Sure, I've been hit by the nic, but it just sooths the moment a bit and relaxes the muscles. I've maybe come close to feeling naeseous a couple of times as I get older, but it's pretty rare.
  20. Jahman7

    Pipes With a Restrictive Draw

    What you described is what I consider "sipping", where a subtle amount of smoke enters the mouth with each draw instead of plumes of smoke caused by a suckling action. Probably works great to not have restriction in the draw with that style. That is generally how I smoke too, but I pack the...