This Item Cannot be Shipped into NY

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Might Stick Around
Jul 28, 2015
Long Island
Title edited. No all caps.

I've seen this on several cigar etailers. These are not Cubans, they're normal ordinary cigars sold online in the USA. The really weird thing is that it's one size out of the style. For instance, you can order a Corona, Robusto, or Toro, but only the Gordo size has this on shipping ban into NYS. Now, in another blend, same brand, the Gordo can be shipped into NYS. Googling sent me to the NYS dot gov website & although the language they use seems to be something that resembles English, I cannot figure who, what why or where these cigar websites decide what cigars cannot be shipped into NYS. Can anybody explain this to me like I'm in kindergarten ?
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Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Please put your location in your Profile!
Why: It will save time for others when you mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc.
How: Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "My Location" is halfway down.


Jan 31, 2011
Please put your location in your Profile!
Why: It will save time for others when you mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc.
How: Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "My Location" is halfway down.
I'm going to take a wild guess that he's in NY.


Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
Title edited. No all caps.

I've seen this on several cigar etailers. These are not Cubans, they're normal ordinary cigars sold online in the USA. The really weird thing is that it's one size out of the style. For instance, you can order a Corona, Robusto, or Toro, but only the Gordo size has this on shipping ban into NYS. Now, in another blend, same brand, the Gordo can be shipped into NYS. Googling sent me to the NYS dot gov website & although the language they use seems to be something that resembles English, I cannot figure who, what why or where these cigar websites decide what cigars cannot be shipped into NYS. Can anybody explain this to me like I'm in kindergarten ?
Another option is maybe try asking the e-tailers why? At least then you'll get what they think the law means as to why they can't. Hell, they may even be misinterpreting NY laws and might trigger them to take a second look.

Why they say they can't ship to NY is probably a legal thing, or it could be a convoluted tax thing they don't want to deal with.

But the inconsistency of what different retailers/e-tailers say they can or can't ship may be due to their own individual understandings of the NY laws, and they each may have different understandings or misunderstandings of the laws.

Sometimes laws can be confusing. Often, lawmakers (or policy makers in general, even at companies) are regulating and making rules about stuff they know nothing about and don't understand, they're going by what others tell them, so that can result in laws or policies that make no sense or are confusing.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I'll second @sardonicus87 on this one. Best to just ask them. People misunderstand legal statutes all the time, so the odds of them taking a second look and discovering a misinterpretation really isn't as far fetched a scenario as one might think. As for getting them to correct their policy, that might be a bit more difficult. People also tend to err on the side of safety, even if it means doing something that's technically unnecessary. For example, I have reached out to both P&C and TobaccoPipes to explain to them that they are not in fact required by State of California to procure an adult signature for delivered items. SP knows; they should know too. Of course, they don't seem to care enough to look into the statute they erroneously believe requires this, but I did what I could. You never know though!


Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
And take all the mystery out of life?
We started watching a show called "The 100", and it pisses me off.

Everything, ALL the drama and propulsion, is due every single time, to two factors: people can't wait 2 damn seconds and want to charge ahead, and people don't communicate. It's constant and every character seems to not have come to the realization that "maybe if we just wait a second, or maybe talk about shit, we wouldn't be ruining every plan or running into as many problems".

Why that pisses me off, is because that's how real life people are. So many things could be fixed or problems avoided if people would just chill tf out and communicate, even by a miniscule amount, instead of just making presumptions and asking everyone else in the world except the one person relevant to the thing. And by communicate, I mean clearly and directly, rather than being elusively indirect and vague.

For example, "why does my spouse/SO do ______" is a common post online. Nobody can answer that except the one person, and that's the one person they refuse to ask.

But no, "da mystery tho" or "ruining da magix" or some other such nonsense.

I just don't understand the constant need to over-complicate simple shit and cause oneself headaches for the sake of something so stupid. "But tha draaaaamaaaa!". :rolleyes:
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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
We started watching a show called "The 100", and it pisses me off.

Everything, ALL the drama and propulsion, is due every single time, to two factors: people can't wait 2 damn seconds and want to charge ahead, and people don't communicate. It's constant and every character seems to not have come to the realization that "maybe if we just wait a second, or maybe talk about shit, we wouldn't be ruining every plan or running into as many problems".

Why that pisses me off, is because that's how real life people are. So many things could be fixed or problems avoided if people would just chill tf out and communicate, even by a miniscule amount, instead of just making presumptions and asking everyone else in the world except the one person relevant to the thing. And by communicate, I mean clearly and directly, rather than being elusively indirect and vague.

For example, "why does my spouse/SO do ______" is a common post online. Nobody can answer that except the one person, and that's the one person they refuse to ask.

But no, "da mystery tho" or "ruining da magix" or some other such nonsense.

I just don't understand the constant need to over-complicate simple shit and cause oneself headaches for the sake of something so stupid. "But tha draaaaamaaaa!". :rolleyes:
I'm sure people (wahmen, really) learn this behaviour from watching soap operas. I've encountered it many times and the energy wasted... it's how I learned to bite a bath towel to suppress my emotion silently... let's not go too deeply into that.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 3, 2024
When I ordered my tobacco from (which is still in transit after four weeks - thanks, USPS), on every product there was the caveat, "Cannot ship to Maine, South Dakota, Washington, Utah, Hawaii". Anywhere else in the whole wide world, but not everywhere domestically. That struck me as odd. But hey, it's the land of the free, they get to do what they want. But New York is not on that list, though, even when I check out the cigars.

Edit: When I check out the Southern Draw cigars, specifically the Firethorn Toro, the prohibited list is reduced:

Cannot ship to Maine, Utah.

So maybe there's "hope in a hanging snore", as we say in Norway (a linguistic pun you won't get unless you speak Norwegian).
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Might Stick Around
Jul 28, 2015
Long Island
Clearly NY has decided certain vitolas are bad for you
If only it was that easy. In the page I posted re Southern Draw Cigars, you can get a Toro in one blend, but not a Gordo. In another blend, you can get the Gordo, but not the Toro...ay, there's the rub.


Might Stick Around
Feb 9, 2023
New Hampshire
I suspect that given how convoluted the laws can be, some vendors may just be throwing their hands up and not ship to those areas to avoid any issues. It’s probably why you see different shipping exclusions. It’s not consistent.
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