We are pleased to bring you the debut of The Pipes Magazine Radio Show starring Brian Levine. In this first show, Brian will tell you a little bit about himself so you will get to know who your host is. He has A LOT of experience with pipes and tobacco, and some pretty interesting stories and opinions. He will also talk about pipe shows and pipe clubs, and play some music from a local New Orleans band he heard while visiting “The Big Easy”. Finally, he will share the epic fiasco of trying to smoke his pipe while on a cruise ship that was supposed to allow smoking.
We hope you enjoy our premiere 45-minute show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can listen on iTunes.
[Disclaimer: This premiere episode will have absolutely no collector’s value on eBay in the future.]

Post Views: 1,672
Written by Kevin Godbee
Publisher & Founder of PipesMagazine.com
Certified Master Tobacconist (CMT) #1858 from TobacconistUniversity.org
My grandfather didn't smoke a pipe, but my uncle and some of my elementary school teachers did. In 1998, my neighbor Sam invited me out, and we ended up back at his place where there was a cigar humidor, and pipe rack on the coffee table. I had my first cigar, and then decided to try pipes too. I love the elegance and relaxation of smoking a pipe. In 2002, I started learning how to make websites, do SEO, and create content. I had a cigar content site and forums from 2005-2008 when it was bought out. In 2009, I launched PipesMagazine.com, which is now the largest, busiest community forums, and article content site for pipe and tobacco enthusiasts. We have one of the longest running pipe and tobacco focused podcasts since 2012 with lifetime industry veteran, Brian Levine.
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no show
Anything that starts with Ozzy has to be good!
I added a player into the page that will work.
Reload the page and look for the play button below the link.
where`s the play button?
Little button that says Audio MP3 just above the iTunes link
Thanks for the help, Kevin. I`m sort of slow tonight. Looking forward to the show.
Brian, Hi there, nice clear radio show. Now listening 🙂
The Radio Show was worth the wait!
Running down the road with my laptop streaming the show!!!!!! Love it!!!!
Excellent !! Great idea !!
Got started a little late, but enjoying the show… Thank’s Kevin and Brian
Nice Show,Looking forward to future programs. Nice Job Brian,Kevin.
Ozzy Rocks!!! Awesome intro!!
Will have to download later. Work computer is obsolete.
Simply priceless but how do we download it for permanent posterity?
Got it on now.
FYI … I aint gots Itoons so how do ya download it?
Excellent show!!!! Will definitely enjoy listening to future episodes during my evening pipe experience!
I enjoyed the show.
Download it here.
What was your favorite part, Patty? The song from the band in New Orleans? 😉
Wow Brian, you sure covered a lot of material in a very short time. Look forward to future shows and new topics. Your “complaint” section at the end was very entertaining too. Keep up the good work.
Great show Brian!
I suggest some weekly tobacco trivia.
The over the top entire lengh of a CD song was my favorite! I can hardly wait to download that exciting part again!
Great suggestion on the tobacco trivia Patty! Ha! I knew you loved that song.
The host was fun, cool, and laid-back!
Good Night fellow Pipe Smokers! I’ll be sure to be tuned in next Thursday at 8:00pm
great show. More More More. Enjoyed listening to it while I was working in the shop and enjoying a few bowls.
Good show!
Nice job Brian! Great segment on the pipe shows. I attended my first show this year at Columbus. Certainly won’t be my last. Hope to catch up with you at Chicago next year. I’ll be listening next week.
I enjoyed the show Brian is a very entertaining host.
I just got a chance to listen and I enjoyed the show a lot. I am new to pipe making, but this is my second go round at smoking them. I smoked cheep tobacco in the navy 25 years ago. I quit soon after I got out. I decided to pick it back up last year and I saw a pipe kit from Tinsky and the bug bit me. Now I am on an intense learning quest. I am looking forward to listening and learning. Keep up the good work you have a pleasant voice goes good with a quite smoke after the kids go to bed!(I am a single dad of 2 little ones my days are chaos)
Sitting on my deck, listening and smoking a bowl. Very funny, informative & interesting. Like the idea of some pipe trivia in each show. Well done.
Brian, good show. I enjoyed it very much. I look forward to your next show.
Great show!Congrats!Quite enjoyed it but, I would suggest a “noise gate” for the “tape hiss”.Granted I do love the analog warmth, but the “hiss” takes away from the professionalism put into the recording.Not to criticize as it may have been unnoticed while being live.It’s just that I personally could hear it since I do recording myself.Great show overall and can’t wait for next week.
Great show, loved the music, lots of usefull info. Thanks.
Hey thank you I had a great time and plan to tune in again .
Awesome show! I really like hearing about his history in the pipe world. Kevin you definitely chose the right person!
I’m glad you guys enjoyed the first show. I thought it came out pretty good, especially for the first attempt. Just wait for the future shows. They will be even better as we get more practice at this. Thanks for listening, and tune in again next Thursday at 8pm eastern, please.
Nice job, Kevin and Brian. Good start, look forward to the evolution of the show. — Sandy
Good show last night, helped me forget I was living in a small city south of Texas and I was somewhere else with other pipe smokers. Cheers!
That was a great show, really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next cast!
I have sent to all the TAPS Pipe Club members, in Raleigh N.C,notice of your excellent
radio program.Loved the format,humor and the content.Looking forward to the next installment.Happy smoking!
Great job guys!!! Brian, the Brigham Klondike #619 that I picked up in Chicago last May is smoking like a dream!! The perfect VA pipe!!!
Brian….Enjoyed the first show…..bought back memories of talking to you at shows when you worked for PS…..Good luck and I will see you in St.Louis…
Larry V. from the former “Moore’s Tobacco Shop” Danville, IL.
Good show! Subscribed on iTunes
We need a archive link that will contain all the broadcasts so we can download them to a desktop or notebook in MP3 format.
Brian was fantastic! I’m hoping he will tell us more about himself in upcoming shows. As I recall, he told me that his parents were hippies and he was brought up in a commune at various times, and, while he is close to his parents, he rebelled by embracing the world of tobacco. If that’s true, we’d love to hear more. For those of you who have not met Brian, he truly is a great guy.
This was just a wonderful first show!! It will be great to see how this show develops over time. Highly Recommended.
I really enjoyed the show I sure hope you stick with you did an outstanding job oldd boy.
An auspicious beginning Brian. Interesting hearing your bona fides. With your varied background you should make an excellent host.
Loved the show, can’t wait for future installments!
I thought that was absolutely amazing. I loved to humor and the info that was involved. I will certaintly be tuning in next week to listen. Great job and loved the Greg Pease joke.
Great show Brian! I listened to the podcast and you can count me as a regular! Bravo!
A terrific show, Brian. I enjoyed all aspects of the program, including the “rant” on your cruise experience. I read yesterday of a new farpotshket British study that tested a very small number of folk, and came up with the “possibility” that second-hand smoke affects memory! What next? However, I can’t remember where I read it, or how many people were tested. Perhaps I should avoid smokers. I’m sure it has nothing to do with me being in my late sixties. Perhaps a rant on these knuckle-head “scientific” studies. Now, where the hell are my glasses?
Really enjoyed your show! Entertaining. Keep up the good work!
Great show Brian. Next episode, let us know when and where the new tobaccos you will carry will be avaiable.
Excellent show. Great information and style. What was the best was the Cruise ship information. Brian, I agree with you and I will never go on those cruise ships. They apparently do not want us and I do want to be where I am not wanted. They would rather have a bunch of drunk, overweight, cigarette smoking customers. Well too bad for them.
Great show, Brian! I really enjoyed it. Had a feeling it would be good, knowing you, and sure enough… Looking forward to more!
Great show. I’m a loyal briar pipe man. Can you convince me to buy a meershaum?
Just got done listening to the radio show and really liked it! Had alot of great info and insight. I have to admit, I have been involved with the youtube pipe community and to be honest i’m pretty burnt out with it!! You can only watch so many videos with a guy doing a YABO and lighting a pipe.
Keep up the great job and look forward to next week….Joe
Fun, lively and down to earth. Great host and subject. Thank you PM!
I thought this was a wonderful, relaxing show with good humor and attitude. Keep up the good work! I felt the cruise ship rant ran a little too long — though Brian’s narrative style kept it interesting. I enjoyed the whole show so much I don’t know where the time went.
I second Patty’s suggestion for a weekly trivia segment. It’s interesting, and probably no coincidence that 4noggins was one of the e-mag’s pioneer sponsors, and here they are again stepping-up to support this unique format. Hmmm, I think I’ll place an order for a big batch of their Prairie Wind blend.
Excellent Show Brian! Enjoyed the Industry “insider” info. and humor. Would like to hear more of your dealings with Dunhill,Stokkebye etc., and other fun “war stories” you might be willing to share…
Great Job! The time flew by quickly – Can’t wait for more!
Ejoyed the first episode have not heard 2nd yet o but I will this weekend!
fun radio show, thanks!
fr dave
Nice show. I felt a little sting when you mentioned YouTube presenters not having good information. I understand you weren’t making a sweeping statement, but I still winced a bit.
Long over due. Great job!
Is there somewhere else to get other than iTunes? I was getting the previous 20 episodes via iTunes, but today, I was logged out. Now, when I lot in, I can’t download the shows unless I put in my credit card information. I don’t really use iTunes for anything else and I’m reluctant to post that info. But, I’d love to get Episode #21….