Prince Albert Pipe Tobacco Review

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Prince Albert Tobacco ReviewI smoked Prince Albert pipe tobacco for the first time last night and was pleasantly surprised. What do I mean by “pleasantly surprised”? What I mean is that I was surprised that it wasn’t aweful. Actually, it was quite good, albeit extremely mild. I am also a cigar smoker and I would classify Prince Albert as the Macanudo of pipe tobaccos. I apologize to John Middleton, Inc. for thinking their tobacco wouldn’t be good before I tried it and admit that I was probably under the influence of “tobacco snobbery”. After all, Prince Albert is an inexpensive mass-market brand …

Yes, it is a mass-market brand, and you can find it just about anywhere they sell tobacco. I actually bought mine at Tobacco Depot in Spring Hill FL. I was visiting my dad and didn’t have any pipes or tobacco with me, so I went to the local Tobacco Depot and decided to try Prince Albert. I bought some new pipes too, but that will be another post.
Tobacco Depot did have Prince Albert in a Tub, but I decided to try the small 1.5 oz. size to see if I liked it before buying a large amount. It comes in a “Luxury Pouch” packaged inside a box with the familiar red, accented with white and gold, as pictured at the top of the page.
Prince Albert is so smooth I don’t think you could get tongue bite of you tried. It smoked very smooth and cool. There wasn’t a lot of flavor. It was very mild and it did go well with my drink accompaniment of 2005 Gnarled Vine Zinfandel, which I also highly recommend.

Prince Albert 1.5 oz Pouch
(Click for a detailed view)
Very Mild Burley Tobacco Makes Up the Prince Albert Blend
(Click for a detailed view)

I recommend Prince Albert to anyone that is just starting out with pipe smoking. It is also great for breaking in new pipes. You can puff away like a freight train and not get tongue burn or gunk in your pipes. If you’re a “tobacco snob” that can only smoke expensive pipe tobacco, then Prince Albert is not for you. If you’d like to have a good every day mild smoking tobacco, then give it a whirl. Again, it is very mild, but very good for the price.
Eric, over at makes a great point in his review when he says; “I’m not always in the mood for something complex or sophisticated. Those times where I’m working, concentrating on something, but want to smoke – those are the times for Prince Albert …” – extremely well put Eric! Read his post, “Do you have Prince Albert in a Tub?
Brand: Prince Albert
Blender: John Middleton, Inc., King of Prussia PA USA
Box Description: Cool, Mild, No Bite, Slow Burning
Country of Origin: USA
Curing Group: Air Cured
Contents: Burley
Cut: Ribbon
Strength: Very Mild
Flavoring: Very Mild
Taste: Very Mild
Room Note: Pleasant
Recommendation: Recommended

SPONSORED LINK: Order Prince Albert in a Tub – Click Here!

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