Tragic Shootings

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Can't Leave
Feb 12, 2014
Sitting here in house, after a 24 hr city wide lockdown. 24 yr old went after RCMP, fatally killing 3 and wounding 2 others. Trying to figure out what in gods name is wrong in this world. Moncton is a city if less then 150,000 in the combined tri city area. Always watched happenings around the world and thought how lucky we are to live in a mainly rural province with little or no crime. Now the world watches this manhunt unfold in my backyard. Close friend seen one member shot in front of his house. Brother in law is part of search with two cousins involved as part of swat/ert.
Pray for the families of the fallen officers and a speedy resolution to this insanity.
May this punk be fatally shot himself.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
Its pretty messed up salmon. I live in PEI and have some friends and family in and around Moncton. Hope they find this idiot soon, no need of him disputing peoples lives any further than he already has.



Oct 18, 2013
So sorry that this tragedy hit your town.
I hope for a speedy recovery of the assailant ... and perhaps a public flogging.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
It's really not what you expect from a Canadian. I means the place is so nice that deranged gun man is the last thing that you would associate with that country.



Mar 25, 2014
Fact is this could actually happen anywhere. New Brunswick still remains one of the nicest places in the world. The people of NB are very friendly and I would happily live there if the opportunity presented itself.
Sad news. I hope it can come to an end soon so the people of Moncton can get back to living their peaceful lives.
Condolences to the families affected by the tragic deaths.



Oct 10, 2013
"This is awful and happens too frequently these days"

Happening once is too frequent for me, but mass shootings continue to be on the decrease in the US. Canada, though, has strict gun control laws, so I would expect that this wouldn't even be an issue there. Maybe I'm wrong.
"It's really not what you expect from a Canadian. I means the place is so nice that deranged gun man is the last thing that you would associate with that country."


In Canada, the insane just work a little harder to fit in.

A better class of Insane than we have here in the US.



Jul 30, 2012
Just crazy people that can live anywhere. Mental illness has no boundaries or recognizes man made laws.



Feb 9, 2014
I used to have to explain to astonished people why, as a teacher of 24 years in a town of 2,800, in a county of only 8,000, two of my students, years apart, went away for murder. One of them shot a bunch of kids off their stoop. Didn't know them.
People are people. Towns that bigger are just have more of them. But quaint rural places have them, too. Even farms here in the rural U.S.
When a person like that goes off, they don't check the map first to see if they're in the right place. They just go off.
May the Moncton crisis be resolved soon. My sympathy to the townsfolk held hostage by him right now.



Jul 29, 2013
I live in Colorado, so stuff like this seems fairly "normal": disgruntled white male(s) goes on spree.
We had the Columbine Shooting, the Granby Bulldozer Rampage, the Aurora Theater Shooting (where I live), another High School shooting in December where luckily only one student was killed before the gunman shot himself. Then we had the guy who carjacked three vehicles and went on a high speed chase across the Denver metro area in March (I have friends who knew the guy who is now in jail).
It's all senseless, but we have to keep in mind that crazy people have always existed and have always caused their fair share of grief. Nowadays we can thank the media for giving these people attention and a venue to act as domestic terrorists because that is what a lot of them really are. Columbine and the theater shooting are more akin to terrorism than random acts of violence.
The media just gives everyone a front row seat to the live action and then proceeds to talk, analyze and postulate about why it happened and how it can be prevented. The presentation of such is very much like what occurs after a terrorist attack, but in the eyes of the media they are treated like crazy people where guns are the problem and mental health is an issue.



Might Stick Around
Apr 11, 2013
Been Following this since it broke last night. Be Safe Salmon. Hope you have enough in your cellar to ride this out.

Have family in Salisbury



Part of the Furniture Now
May 10, 2013
Stay strong brothers in Moncton. Keep even more open to neighbours then ever. We will recover from this and prosper.

Dec 24, 2012
Happening once is too frequent for me, but mass shootings continue to be on the decrease in the US. Canada, though, has strict gun control laws, so I would expect that this wouldn't even be an issue there. Maybe I'm wrong.
Canada actually has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world, below the US obviously but very high on the list by world standards. There are very strict regulations on hand guns and prohibitions on automatic rifles, but long guns for hunting are very common. You do need a license and a background check and must take a firearms competence course and test.
Take care Salmon. I have a friend who lives there, but he is a politician, so you probably aren't worried about him.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
Looks like the shooter is now in custody. What a relief!

Good work by the officers involved in the manhunt.

Hopefully the entire city can sleep a bit easier tonight.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2013
Very sad indeed. I believe it has something to do with a certain attitude and fatality in the minds of some people and the media attention, these deeds get. Everbody, who is thinking to go on such a rampage must know, that it will end in his demise. Instead of just blowing his own brains out, where nobody else is going to be hurt, he wants to end with as much media attention as possible. They know, they will be in the media, and they obvioulsy don't care, if it is negative. Stricter gun laws will not stop that, as people with this motivation will always and everywhere be able to aquire guns.

Dec 24, 2012
Just keep reading NRA propaganda sites and ignoring the first half of the second amendment. There is no need to allow facts to enter the picture.

Dec 24, 2012
I trust you will apply the same deference to legal precedent when the composition of the court shifts in a different direction.
And you might also read the Miller decision of the same court, which reached a different view. Clearly Justice Scalia did not read it.



Can't Leave
Feb 12, 2014
Call me old, but...
This shit never happened when I was young
Media, easy access to nut job websites, more drugs available, more violent games with graphics that are mind numbing, rights to bare arms and on and on.
Worst of all, zero respect for our fellow man.
It's high time some drastic gun control started to come forth, you wanna hunt or own a firearm, then you should be limited to # of rounds, your gun could be stored at a certain location with the rounds there. If status quo is allowed to continue, I only see these " wimpy outcasts" as having a way to act violently.
"End of Rant"

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