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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015
I have been puffing away for about 1.5 years - all alone. The only company I got was virtual - which is here on this forum. I've felt that it takes a certain type of character to smoke a pipe as I dug deeper. I noticed that this hobby requires a patient demeanour and a contemplative mind. When looking for famous pipe smokers one finds himself in the company of great minds and formidable characters. Nevertheless I couldn't test this theory in the field since I knew no one that smoked pipes in my circle. Until last Saturday!
While buying a pipe from a cigar/pipe shop that I've never visited before, the owner was very friendly and walked me to the back of the store where there's a garage where pipe/cigar smokers sit, smoke, and socialize with each other. I found myself in the company of two gentlemen who were friendly, gregarious, and so warm and friendly that what started as a casual conversation for a couple of minutes ended up as a 4 hour chat in which we talked about everything from pipe smoking, tobaccos, politics, religion, science, etc.... I also sampled their tobaccos as they were kind enough and also keen to be as generous as they can possibly be.
It was so heartwarming that I plan on making a trip there often although its an hour drive from home! I have confirmed my theory and I love it :puffy:



Jul 24, 2013
You were fortunate to find a cigar/pipe shop that has a formidable space to allow pipe smoking: apparently most tobacco stores (at least in the Metro Detroit area) don't allow pipers to use the smoking room--because the shop has to be specially licensed to allow pipe smoking! That's hard to believe, but the corner smoke shop told me it wasn't allowed. What danger this constitutes where one needs a license is beyond me.

I'm really glad you found a place where you can meet with other pipers: if only we had some around here!



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
Envy, envy, envy. I have been smoking alone for the better part of 45 year mostly because I don't live anywhere near the pipe club that is "near" to me in Northern Virginia. That being said, there have been few times that I have yearned for company since the pipe, a cup of tea and a good book are great allies. Enjoy you buddies and be thankful for the camaraderie!



Feb 21, 2013
It's strange to me that there is considerable social pressure to enter group activities that may hold only mild interest for you, whether it's bingo or civic action, whereas when it is something you really enjoy like smoking a pipe you are considered near crossing the line of acceptable social behavior. I have a number of pipe contacts but only one person whose pipe interests were entirely incidental to how we met. Likewise, it is interesting that something like pipe smoking that can naturally draw people together, when that is cited as a deficit in contemporary life, is categorically verboten in many public areas.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I work with five. Three of which were my fault. :mrgreen: The B&M I haunt from time to time has a huge walk in humidor that smells like heaven, and a well furnished smoker's lounge where I can B/S with strangers like I have known them for years.
Having comrades in briar can be a way to have a relaxing evening, but those solo, deep contemplative smokes are the real soul of the pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 2, 2015
It's great when you run into fellow pipers in the wild. Sounds like you had a great time skywalker.
I have only run into two in the past year. I stopped in at JR's in Mooresville NC yesterday hoping to see fellow pipers. I was the only one.
Not to be critical of cigar smokers (I enjoy them on occasion) but have you ever noticed how animated and talkative they are in the lounge? I prefer the long pauses and contemplation with fellow pipe smokers.

May 31, 2012
It's strange to me that there is considerable social pressure to enter group activities that may hold only mild interest for you, whether it's bingo or civic action, whereas when it is something you really enjoy like smoking a pipe you are considered near crossing the line of acceptable social behavior. I have a number of pipe contacts but only one person whose pipe interests were entirely incidental to how we met. Likewise, it is interesting that something like pipe smoking that can naturally draw people together, when that is cited as a deficit in contemporary life, is categorically verboten in many public areas.
That's an insightful comment MSO, and I often wonder along the same lines.
Pipesmoking is in general a solitary exercise and as such, 99.9% of the time I spend smoking a pipe is solo only.

I do have a certain yearning to meet up with like-minded folks for good cheers and warm camaraderie,

I'm very much so hoping that I can make it to next years KC pipe show and I'm gonna try my damndest to make the scene when it all goes down.
Another however,


in all actuality I am pretty much a chump, a strange looking oddball who often lacks good social graces when in multi-peopled crowd situations, and I have a tendency to clam up, being silent and only an observer or listener, or worse yet I suffer a mild anxiety attack and start physically shivering, unable to form even the most rudimentary of sentences, much less able summon any thoughtful contribution to the topic at hand, embarrassing myself or coming off like an elitist snob, or just as some dumb guy with nothing to say and no way to say it.

many of you would be surprised if you met me in the flesh,

questioning my claim as being misterlowercase,

for surely,

you could not recognize my stumbling, bumbling, goofy loosey-goosey, raggamuffin hillbilly self

as being anywhere near to the intensified manic ultra-virtual persona who goes by MLC.
I was joyed to have recently met up with a neighbor who lives 30 minutes north of me, named Eric, The Falcon here on the forums, and it was like an ecstatic union of true brotherhood, our conversations could have lasted for all of infinity, the concept of time disappeared, we talked, we smoked Gallaher's 'Girder' Circular Dark Brown Navy Cut and both of us fell into a trance-like state, hardly a word between us,

it was a most Most Holy moment.
He is an exclusive Condor smoker and has been for quite some years now, so we already had a lot in common.

He's been with pipe for nigh on 30 years now, and his gracious manner of sharing learned knowledge from all his experience has been tremendously rewarding --- I have learned very much quite a lot from hanging out with him,

and his everwarm soul brings a pure joy to the table,

we were complete strangers,

but instant brothers upon meeting.
It was like telepathic surgery or sumthin'.




Jun 30, 2015
Brothers of the briar has a nice ring to it. I enjoy smoking alone or with my wife(cigarette smoker). It's a calming activity for me and helps with my depression. Slowing down and appreciating insights from the forum or taking in the sunset listening to the swallows chatter as they fly around the yard is just a plain old good time for me. It's like when I have a campfire in my yard I'm perfectly fine to share it with a few others but most of the time I just do it alone and that's just fine too.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015
It's strange to me that there is considerable social pressure to enter group activities that may hold only mild interest for you, whether it's bingo or civic action, whereas when it is something you really enjoy like smoking a pipe you are considered near crossing the line of acceptable social behavior. I have a number of pipe contacts but only one person whose pipe interests were entirely incidental to how we met. Likewise, it is interesting that something like pipe smoking that can naturally draw people together, when that is cited as a deficit in contemporary life, is categorically verboten in many public areas.
mso.. Don't get me started. I'm one of those people who thinks society (western specifically) is essentially killing itself out of boredom and a sense of isolation from everything meaningful. People who only interact with me virtually think I'm an old curmudgeon who was jaded by having to live too long on this planet. The reality is.. I'm 39!
It never ceases to amaze me what we consider "civilized" these days. When I meet people and they learn that I smoke they look at me as I'm somehow mentally impaired. The truth is, according to me, is that most of these civilized people have gotten life possibly all wrong. They live to consume, constantly busy, constantly worried, constantly afraid of death, illness, and disease, spending most of their lives trying desperately to hide from looking life square in the eye with the knowledge that they will one day die no matter how hard they try to deny it or postpone it. The thought of a quite moment in the company of themselves terrifies them and when they get together they must busy themselves with an engaging activity or trade small talk out of being polite. For the sake of being politically correct, nothing of substance ever gets said in effort to not offend anyone as if offending someone will irreversibly damage them or worse!
I had an aha moment about society's "opinions" when I got similar reactions when people know that I meditate (seriously meditate - not the Oprah Winfrey made to make one feel good about themselves so that they could keep on consuming in comfort :D) and go into retreat where I remain silent and contemplative for weeks on end. People think that I must be crazy or suffering from psychological trauma or worse.
In the west we consume a staggering amount of Psychotropic drugs. Its too difficult for people now to actually live because we treat life like its on sale at Costco. The longer the better even if it means never understanding our own selves and living in a zombified state. But hey... We're civilized and smoking shortens your life :).
Of course this is completely off topic and its a rant but its my favourite topic to rant about and pipe smokers are patient people :puffy:
Also, @misterlowercase, you said:

we talked, we smoked Gallaher's 'Girder' Circular Dark Brown Navy Cut and both of us fell into a trance-like state, hardly a word between us,

it was a most Most Holy moment.
That's because you're pipe smokers. I remember reading somewhere that researchers found out that most people become terrified of silence in the company of others to the extent that it takes an average person about 40 seconds to feel compelled to say something to break the silence. I have a friend (he doesn't smoke a pipe though) that I meet a lot. Sometimes we go sit on his patio for hours without uttering a word.
/ End Rant.



Feb 13, 2015
@atskywalker- I think a tallying of forum members' calendar ages (versus attitudinal ages) would bring many surprises!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015
@aldecaker, as I get to know people here better I'm constantly surprised at the depth and diversity. There were a few threads about occupation and hobbies which I found fascinating. One thing that I also found peculiar is that most people here read (gleaned that from a few threads). I can tell you that most people I know/meet these days from my generation don't read at all save for blog posts.
That would be a nice thread idea!



Mar 1, 2013
This is a great thread. One of my favorite and most relaxing moment was in 2000. The mortgage industry in the US was booming and as young man of 30 was working over 60 hours per week but killing it. A coworker and I went to a cigar store (back before NJ basically outlawed smoking in public), fired up some sticks and cracked a beer. I swear we sat there for 10-15 min before we uttered a sound. If I remember correctly we made eye contact, nodded, and let out a "oh yeah". Then went another 10 min in silence. Nothing wrong with not saying anything.



Feb 13, 2015
@atskywalker- there is the "What Are You Reading" thread. Talk about diversity. People on this forum are reading everything from the classics to cutting-edge new releases. I started a thread a few days ago about reading Clive Cussler. Sometimes you just want something more relaxing and entertaining, sometimes you want something more cerebral. I liken it to wanting a bowl of Carter Hall in a cob versus wanting Penzance in a Tinsky. BTW, I'm only 42!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 23, 2015
There you go aldecaker. Thanks for the inspiration :puffy:



Jul 21, 2015
I'm one of those people who thinks society (western specifically) is essentially killing itself out of boredom and a sense of isolation from everything meaningful.
You're not alone...



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
I don't think I've met more than 1 pipe smoker in person. And he's a stand up guy, too!
I have a hard time with this disposable, force fed culture or society I find myself in. I don't buy into it, therefore I feel I can't relate to 95% of the people I interact with daily. Once the conversation turns to pop culture (the pinnacle of meaning and truth :wink: ) I usually have no idea what they're talking about, and I'm sure people think I'm a boring lout or plain antisocial.
Sort of on a related note, an article in today's paper says that 'Canadians prefer to date an avid reader.'



Mar 25, 2014
And to think just half a century ago pipe smoking was what typical men did, and no one questioned it; now we're the odd men out!



Feb 6, 2013
Ha! Those guys are great. That B&M is the tops. You lucked into one of the hidden gems in Ontario tobacconists. I hope to see you at our next club meeting.
-- Pat

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