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Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Good Day All;
About a year ago we began the Briar Blues You Tube Channel. So far 6 videos have been posted. They are all very rough and poorly done, but I plan to work on making them better. If you may be interested in enjoying a laugh at my expense please feel free to view what has been loaded.
I would enjoy hearing your thoughts and comments, either on the You Tube site, here, or via email. My reason for posting this topic is to ask you what subjects you wish were covered more in depth in video. Is it pipe maintenance, refurbishing techniques, pipe or tobacco reviews, brand information etc.
So if you have any suggestions, please feel free to post here, or email me directly.

Michael J. Glukler
ps Haters are welcome as well. :)



Dec 29, 2016
My first suggestion would be to invest in a good lapel microphone. You speak very well and are articulate, but the audio quality could go up a notch.
I'll also make one more comment and its directed at virtually every pipe smoking video on youtube...there's absolutely no need to smoke a pipe in the video. Even if you are reviewing the pipe or a tobacco. It creates awkward pauses and inevitably the pipe goes out and we lose more video time while the presenter relights.I'm much more interested in your opinions, not watching you smoke. Show me the pipe close up, show me the tobacco in terms of colour and cut.
I just watched you video on selecting a tobacco for the new pipe smoker. Excellent advice, please keep making videos like this. Simple, no nonsense and informative.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 1, 2018
Love the backdrop. The whole look of it looks very refined with the fireplace in the background. Maybe bring the camera in just a little bit closer. With that type of experience I would really like to hear your take on different manufacturers and their blends. What did you think was good about them, what was bad. When it comes to pipes why did you choose a particular style or brand? What is some that you will never touch/buy and why?



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
bassbug & johnstream86
Thanks for your kind words and comments.
bassbug - agreed. The audio portion needs an upgrade. That is in the works. As far as smoking during ... well to be honest .... I am really not very comfortable in front of any camera. A pipe helps me allot stay calm, cool and collected.
john - I do have plans to review / suggest / comment on some brands of pipes and tobaccos, which I enjoy. I do not see any coming that will critique brands or blends. Not that I do not have opinions on the subject, however just because blend A or brand B does not work for me, does not mean it will not be great for someone else. Our tastes are all quite different. I love my Castello pipes, but I have a number of clients and friends which do not enjoy Castello's. Am I correct? Are they wrong? Well yes, but we can agree to disagree. ;)
Keep the suggestions and what you want to see coming. I am writing down all these ideas.

Michael J. Glukler



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
The videos are good. A good close up still shot of the pipe in question would be a good idea when illustrating whatever point you are making, be it construction, repair, cleaning.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
I have to concur with all the others have said. The audio is poor and needs investment as does the camera. The definition is not up to the standard it should be today. I have looked at this channel before and if you would permit me to be frank, those things put me off immediately. The visual definition is very important, especially when showing tobaccos and pipes up close. I quite enjoy your manner and delivery and considering you're camera shy you seem to do a good job as a presenter.
As for content, I really enjoy and use well-done tobacco reviews but feel that there is often too much focus on American blends by most YouTubers. Blends we simply don't get in Europe. Also, many blends have been reviewed to death. I would like to see more reviews of tobaccos outside American production.
I would also like to see real honest and frank reviews of pipes. Especially the modern factory pipes on the market. A good look at the engineering, fit and finish. It's the kind of information I really wanted when I took up the pipe and still want today.
Beyond that, I enjoy most things pipe related and really, would welcome another pipe channel with purpose and not one that swiftly descends into box openings, video responses and other tedious drudgery.



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
All good ideas and critique taken to heart. Before me is a clip on microphone, which should help with the audio. I need to play with the camera and figure out the video quality settings.

Michael J. Glukler

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