New Carvers For Cheap?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
Is anyone aware of some new up and coming carvers that may be selling their pipes on the cheap until they get a reputation built up?
When I see cheap, I mean less than $100 or so. The big guys that have well-established reps charge some pretty intense prices, albeit I am sure the pipes are well worth it.
I am looking for similar quality for a lower price. I would be willing to take a chance on a new carver..
Preferably in North America, as I don't see paying $20 in shipping from Italy, etc..



Feb 28, 2014
Rick Black, Brian Doran, David Jones (depends on the day and the pipe, i got my poker for less than $100 but they can go for much more), Mario Grandi, Polinski (in Poland but i'd still buy one in a second), Unique Briar, Tony M. (i forget his last name but he goes by ebay handle of brax17), and a maker by the name of R. Saul Wopschall out of Missouri that i actually am receiving a pipe from today. I will be posting a thread about the pipe soon. Check these guys out!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
Great suggestions there! :D
Rick Black has an awful website, but his pipes are incredibly unique! I am now watching a beautiful Polinski Poker on ebay that is only at 25 bucks right now.. so crossing my fingers that it won't go much higher.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
And for anyone that might be interested in a super unique, sweet looking Polinski, this one ends in 23 hours and is pretty awesome in my opinion. Only sitting at $40 right now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
The Poker I am watching says 9mm filter as well.. are those hard to find or something? Not familiar with them. Or are you just not a fan of filtered pipes?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
Peck, do you actually make pipes or are you yanking my wang a little bit?



Feb 28, 2014
No, Peck is serious but he's giving you a discount bc he usually charges $100. I'm just not sure if it will be smokeable or not, but hey, life is full of risks and rewards.
No, Polinski makes both filtered and non-filtered pipes, i just HATE filtered pipes. I have 3 that I need to get the adapter for, but i always forget to add them to my cart when i am ordering tobacco from places that carry the adapters. They're only a buck or two.



Feb 6, 2013
Over the last twelve months I've acquired my first 'artisan' pipes. Two were commissions, one was an estate buy and two were purchased new from the carver at the Chicago show.
The two pipes I commissioned were from new carvers, who are each in their first 12 months of carving. In both instances I paid around $250.00 for the pipe + shipping. I did my research, I looked at ALL the pipes that each carver had made in the past (via their online galleries), I spoke with each carver about how they approach commissions and ultimately agreed on a shape, a price, a timeline and I eventually got my pipes. I love them both, but each pipe has small details that clearly tell the tale that the carver is still honing his craft. Some of those little details drive a man crazy.
The two pipes I bought new, from established (or establishing) carvers are wonderful examples of artisan pipes, and are clearly a step above those two commissions I mentioned above. The attention to detail is higher. The lines are cleaner. The finish and fit is better. And in both cases, the buttons are works of art. I count the Alden Canadian and Rad Davis Rad-desian as my two finest pipes.
This all to say, that it is my experience that you get what you pay for with artisan pipes. If you really only have $100 or less to throw at a pipe I'd go looking for a high quality estate pipe (likely a factory pipe at that price) or a NOS Stanwell or the like as we've seen sold at P&C over the last few months. Or... stick that $100 in a sock, and do that a few times, then head out to the artisan carver of your choice and buy a smokeable show-piece.
I know that this isn't the question you asked and hope that you're cool with me sharing my $0.02.
-- Pat
EDIT - Post Script

No, Peck is serious but he's giving you a discount bc he usually charges $100. I'm just not sure if it will be smokeable or not
You couldn't pay me $100 to smoke Peck's pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
Oh no, pruss, I don't mind at all. I actually encourage everyone's two cents! That is an excellent point you make, though. I have also considered just starting out with a Boswell. I have never heard anything bad about a Boswell and at ~$150, the price isn't terribly frightening. I am a bit of a gun enthusiast and love to do some skeet shooting now and again, so I do like their shotgun shell Pokers.
However, all things considered, a Rad Davis is on my list as a possible dream pipe. Absolutely beautiful examples of artisan pipes.. I drool over them every time someone here posts one.
Feel free to throw your change at me any time, pruss (and everyone else.. except Peck.. seems to be a bit fiendish.. :twisted: )



Feb 6, 2013
except Peck.. seems to be a bit fiendish.. :twisted:
He's really just an adorable, big, puddy-tat.
Also, dollar for dollar, I think Ryan Alden (Lonestar here on the forums) pipes are the best buys on the artisan market right now. Hold off on your Boswell purchase and sock a little more cash away, and then toss Lonestar a PM.
-- Pat



May 5, 2014
There was a new carver at Chicago going by the name "Bender", he was selling billiards for $20 and carved briar talon pipes for $100. Some great looking work. He was priced so low so he could get his name out there.

Dec 24, 2012
pflan, there really is a huge correlation between price and quality (at least up to around $500 or $600) in my view.
Last night I was smoking my Parks' sandblasted bent billiard. The engineering and fit and finish are just perfect. A pipe cleaner passes through the bend and the perfectly aligned draft hole without the slightest bit of effort. I was marvelling that it is just about the most perfect smoking instrument I have ever used. A perfect, dry, cool smoke. The man agonizes over the details of his pipes. I paid $600 for that pipe and, in my view, it is worth every penny.
I have three Boswells. Nothing against Boswells, but they don't hold a candle to this thing. They don't pass a pipe cleaner very well or at all and the one I have smoked most recently was a horrible, gurgling mess.
When I started in this hobby I bought some cheap pipes, and I regret every one of those purchases. So I would recommend that you save up to buy a quality artisan pipe made by an established and well-regarded carver, because you won't regret it.

Dec 24, 2012
Peck, do you actually make pipes or are you yanking my wang a little bit?
I am yanking your chain. If I started making pipes I couldn't afford the insurance. Limbs and digits would be flying left and right. I can't chew gum and walk at the same time, let along work with sharp hand instruments and machinery.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2013
clickklick, any idea if he has his work online anywhere? Did a Google search and an ebay search and found nothing.
Peck, thanks for the suggestion. I will do that one day, but for now, the lady would be pretty pissed if I bought a $500-600 pipe before her engagement ring. :|
So do you think a Boswell would be a bad investment compared to just purchasing a $100-150 Peterson, Sav, Stanwell, etc?
EDIT: Peck, I am right there with you.. I work in IT, and I can multi-task like a fool while I am at work, but as soon as I walk out, I am a walking accident.

Dec 24, 2012
the lady would be pretty pissed if I bought a $500-600 pipe before her engagement ring
Jesus man, get your priorities straight. Can you smoke an engagement ring?
In any event, if you are really sincere about following through with this marriage thing, take $500 of your "ring money" and get a good lawyer to draft a pre-nup. Chances are more than 50% that the whole marriage thing will hit the shitter and you want to be protected in case it does.
My regular matrimonial advice column will begin appearing on pipesmagazine in June. Look for it.



Feb 6, 2013
So do you think a Boswell would be a bad investment compared to just purchasing a $100-150 Peterson, Sav, Stanwell, etc?
I have a Peterson Rosslare which I bought for $80 as an estate pipe. These retail for around $200 new. I love this pipe, it smokes like a dream, hangs well and looks sharp. I also have a Stanwell cutty which I love, and which smokes very well. If you're going to go the route of buying a factory pipe, consider their mid-higher range pipes and look for good buys from a reputable estate seller. These can be great smokers for a great price.
The simplest advice on pipe buying you'll hear from most of us is, "Buy the best pipe you can afford, unless you can afford not to buy and bank the money to afford a better pipe."
Take a look at the sponsor sites which sell estate pipes. These are folks who sell restored, sanitized and ready to go pipes at a fraction of their initial retail price.
-- Pat



Feb 28, 2014
pflan, my gf still thinks i have "8 or 9 pipes", what momma don't know won't hurt her (as Mr. Coach Klein would say). You certainly don't need to spend 5 or 6 bills for a really good artisan pipe. You could commission an artisan pipe that would be show worthy and smoke wonderfully for 250-300 bucks. Case in point: My commissioned Tinsky i made a thread about recently.



Jul 13, 2011
As for cheaply priced pipes made by new makers. At $20 I would lose money. I appreciate getting your name out there, but geesh. Might as well lay your pipes on the table and take donations you would probably make more. I charge $250 for a custom pipe and that is freehand with a hand cut stem. For me it is a hobby that I enjoy and I would like to make more, but for the time and care to make a top quality pipe I just can't charge less than that and feel like it is worth my time. That being said I've got 3 custom orders right now. If your pipes are quality people will pay what they are worth new carver or not.

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