How Often You Replace Your Filters?

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Sep 28, 2013
Hey guys.

I'm new here as I'm new smoking pipe..

I was smoking cigarettes for about 3 years, than started rolling cig's for another 3 years, and in the last 3 weeks I started feeling im tired of smoking cig.. so, I started checking the pipe smoking (tasted it a few times from couple of friends) and bought my own pipe in ebay (22$, I think it's ok for beginning) - got it yesterday..
so, my question is how often do you replace charcoal filter, and if you recommend using them or not?

I got few filters with the pipe, I did put 1, and smoked 3 bowls, morning afternoon and night, and after that i opened the pipe to check what's up with the filter and was surprised to find out it was so wet (so much humidity), also all the area was moist. so I was wondering if it right or not. seems to be not, while the filters should absorb the moisture. am i right?



Sep 24, 2013
Hi there and welcome Rubin, I am also new here.

Using them or not is entirely up to you, I usually don't inhale smoke so it doesnt make me much difference except for the fact the smoke is drier and easier on my mouth and tongue. If you ask me, I do like to use filters on my Vauen pipe, it smokes amazingly and it does make a difference in taste, it all just depends on what you prefer. Try using a filter and then smoke without it the next time. I usually smoke 3 times with a filter and then replace it before it gets a sour taste. So basicly the filter just saves you from a hard cleaning doing part of the cleaning job itself as you said, it absorbs the moisture.



Can't Leave
Jun 6, 2013
Hello Rubin and welcome to the forum. I don't bother using a filter, as they restrict the air flow and make the draw too hard. To keep the moisture down, I pass a pipe cleaner through the pipe after two or three smokes. And it's important to let a wet pipe rest for a few days to dry out completely. You will need a few pipes in your collection to do this, but it improves the smoking experience and your pipes will last a lot longer.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2013
I'm smoking with 9mm charcoal filters most of the time and I change the filter after every bowl. Otherwise the taste can really decline quickly. I have tried with and without filter and I prefer the taste with the filter in place. The filter reduces sharpness and bitterness and catches most of the condensation. It is also easier to smoke the bowl to the bottom, when the moisture is in the filter and not in the bottom of the bowl. I know, that filters are disliked everywhere, but in Germany, but it really helps beginners in getting into the hobby, and you can leave the filter out, as soon as you have more experience.
The flow restriction can be an issue with some filter brands, but there are a few, like Stanwell, which restrict only a little. Be aware, though, that in some bent pipes, the filter edges could obstruct the air hole, so the restriction can be more, that only the filter itself. Using it in straight or slightly bent pipes is no issue.




May 29, 2011
I can and do use filter pipes. I do not find that they restrict the flow, and for me, they bring out the flavors of Virginia tobaccos without the acridity . Generally, I change them on the third or 4th smoke. So far, I like the Big Ben filters best, and I have just tried the Savinelli 9mm balsa filters, which I must say work very nicely.

On the other hand, I do not use the filters for aromatics and Balkan blends. The aromatics depend on moisture for their flavors, and I just think the filters also strain out some of the flavors of a good English. The only exception to this rule would be the Brigham rock maple filter, which really isn't a filter in the true manner, since you can pass a pipe cleaner through one. The Brigham filter wicks out moisture, so I find them helpful with really moist blends.



May 29, 2011
Be careful, paper and balsa filters will suck up the moisture in a humid environment too. Keep them indoors or in a pouch when not in use, lol.



Jul 24, 2012
Panama City, Florida
Welcome to the forum Rubin! Yes or no on the filter is up to you. You really should change it before it gets soaked. Also, a dry clean pipe is a happy pipe and will make you a happy smoker. After your pipe has cooled, pull your stem out, remove the filter and set it aside, use pipe cleaners on both the stem and stummel (wood), use a twisted paper towel to ream out the bowl. Put the stem back on without the filter. Let the pipe rest. At least a day is probably best. But, if have one pipe that may not be practical. The most important thing for now is that you clean your pipe and let it dry after each smoke. Your filters will last longer if you let them dry outside the pipe.



Sep 28, 2013
wow guys what a support :) thank you all for your posts.

first i have to say im surprised about the filters durability. i was sure they last much longer.
you guys said it may restrict the air flow but actually i find myself feeling the air flow is too easy, what makes me suck so much air to my mouth to have some real smoke and not just a little. hmm i dont think i fill the bowl too loose, i just compare it to cigarettes. so should it be that way and i just need to get used to it or something is wrong?
also, i feel bites on my tongue, sometimes its more like its getting on fire.. i was wondering maybe the tobacco i use sucks, which is 'mac baren - original choice' (i think original choice is how they call the flavour..). i asked the guy in the store to give me something natural and strong, to feel tobacco and not some kind of fruit or some other synthetic blend..

maybe it feels like that because of the tobacco, or the filter? bahh.. i just know i smoked 2 other pipes of friends a few times and it didnt feel like that..



May 29, 2011
It takes awhile to find something that works for your tastes, my friend. I like MacBaren blends, but they need to smoked very slowly, and having a beverage along with it might help with the tongue bite. You might want to try some Lane or McClelland blends, which I find have less tongue bite to my palate. Part of the fun is hunting out those blends that work for you. I would suggest Altadis Revelation Match, which is a very natural tasting blend with a slight peppery component, and I find it quite tasty in my filtered Savinelli Bing's Favorite pipe.



Jul 24, 2012
Panama City, Florida
The bite you describe is a function of smoking technique and you choice of tobacco. McBaren tobaccos bite me if I don't smoke slowly. On the left side of the page you will find some links under the Featured Articles section. Check them out. Routine pipe cleaning, packing tobacco in the bowl, pipe smoking tips. A lot of great information that will help you learn to get the best experience from your pipe smoking. Welcome to a life long learning hobby!



Sep 28, 2013
alright thank you guys :) i'll the check the brands you talked about the the articles.

ill just try different things - filtered/unfiltered, kinds of tobacco brands and other stuff that will do the work and make it feel good for me.



Can't Leave
Jun 6, 2013
Rubin, you've said you don't think you're packing the pipe too tightly, but you find the draw quite free, and the tobacco is biting you. Often, bite happens from loosely packed and quickly smoked tobac. Using the filter is fine, but try packing somewhat tighter, and/or smoking more slowly, see if that helps. Yes, MacBaren can bite, but I've found a rhythm that reduces bite and improves flavor, and I smoke MacB Burley London, or Golden Extra every day. Enjoy!



Feb 13, 2013
Honestly I'd got my smoking a pipe down to a science, and then just recently got some pipes that have the option for a filter, so I got some filters, and I really like them. I totally recommend them especially for new smokers as I find it's way too easy to over puff when you're starting and burn your tongue, as well as stops the pipe from gurgling. I change my paper filters after about 5 smokes, or you'll really notice a gross taste after too many and not replacing.



Can't Leave
Jun 26, 2013
I only use filters on my cobs (only because the filters came with them at the time). I change the filters out whenever I notice the taste changing or if I remember to look and see the filter is looking bad. Other than that I never use a filter on my briars.

Some people love them...and others see no sense in them. To each their own.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 13, 2013
Greetings Rubin,
I myself am new to the community though I consider myself relatively adapt at the hobby at this current stage.
The subject of whether or not use the pipe filter is an “each to his own” topic. Smoking a pipe with a filter is very popular in Germany and Austria, countries which I’m very fond of. The development of their popularity within Germany is that they were promoted during the early 1930s as a health measure, and then the German tobacco companies became careless in the manufacture of their tobacco, thus the use of the filter make sense. This is the impression that Niels Thomsen (East Berlin Pipemaker) gave me. I myself do not smoke my pipe with a filter, never have done; never felt that I should. :puffy:



Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2013
I only have one filter pipe and I change the filter after ever bowl. I Smoke it. Let it rest a day, take out the old filter and the let it rest again until it comes up on my pipe rotation again... normally about once every two weeks. After a single bowl I find it to be wet and dont want to leave it in there to dry and funk up the pipe



Feb 21, 2013
As people say, filters are done to your own taste. My only suggestion would be, if you use them at all, change them

every bowl or two. Otherwise, just leave them out. With a filter pipe, used without the filter, you either have to use

an adaptor or learn to puff much more gently. Brigham maple inserts and Savenelli balsa filters are slightly different,

another learning curve. I think you can use them for a while, but you have to keep track of it and keep them somewhat

clean, and replace as needed. But I don't use them, so others may want to advise on this.



Sep 28, 2013
werdna, i get what you're saying. but really i just cameback home after smoking a bowl and felt i have to post about it. i find myself fighting the pipe. always trying to keep it lit... i dont draw for 5 seconds and its getting off again. i do tamp and get a nice red plate, but it always turns off so quickly, so i need to tamp again and suck air many times and so quickly (because i have a feeling that lighting it up so much isnt that good) or light it up again, over and over.

so because of that (about what you were saying werdna) i dont think i can reduce my draws frequency..
ill try packing it tighter, although yesterday ive tried it and thought that maybe i packed it too tight so theres not enough air to pass through the bowl and nothing makes the top layer stay lit so it fails again..
maybe i just need to find the right tightness. but what i know for sure is that i fighting your pipe isnt part of game.



Sep 24, 2013
Pack it a bit more tight. For it to be perfect you must not either force to draw nor should it draw as easily. Try drawing before you light it and then check if the drawing is correct. If not pack again until it feels correct. But don't worry about re-lighting it, if it goes out after a few good puffs, put it down for a seconds, let it cold down just a little and re-light it, don't worry about re-lighting it, just enjoy your smoke, it also should last between 45 minutes and 60. Usually I smoke for an hour or more, that's how long my pipes last me most of the times. As I said, enjoy smoking it and do it calmly.



Sep 14, 2011
I don't use filters. I keep cleaners handy, and will run one through the pipe if I think it's too wet. (This is an experience thing.)

As has been mentioned, some MacB tobaccos can bite if smoked too quickly. MacB itself also advises not to pack a bit more loosely to combat that problem. Learning the proper smoking tempo takes time and patience, and will not be the same for all blends!

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