Hey Mayor, Can You Do Something About That Smell?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
A new neighbor moved in. He’s a complete whack job! I know I’m not perfect. My wife keeps telling me that. But this new neighbor is a can short of a 6 pack.
So he moves in, and then goes to the mayor of the village and says.
“Hey Mr. Mayor? Can you do something about that smell? That cow manure those farmers spread is awful. My wife and I can't stand the smell.”
The Mayor answered.
“Farmers have been spreading that shit for more than a hundred years. Farming in this country is one reason why America is great. They are the backbone of this country. That’s their job, their livelihood. I will not ask them to stop spreading their shit because you don’t like the smell. Now where do you work?”



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2015
Northern Germany
These cityslickers move to the countryside because it is "chique" and then start to complain and sue everyone because mother nature does what mother nature does best. Those whackos should stay in the city..... :crazy:



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
I know the feeling, here the sound of pumps pumping water to irrigate the rice fields, crop dusters early in the morning spraying the fields, the braying of a donkey pissed at a horse that got too close, the smell of a cane field being burnt in order to harvest. Tractors whining as their plows dig deep in the earth, sounds of heaven. Hay being drizzled with molasses or what we call Black Joe for the cows to eat. Now here comes a Low riding Truck, going DA TUMP, BOOM BA, DA TUMP BOOM BA. Where is a Bazoka when you need it. City Folk assimilate or stay home, we don't need you.



Apr 5, 2014
“Farmers have been spreading that shit for more than a hundred years. Farming in this country is one reason why America is great.
I don't farm myself, but my Dad grew up on a farm, and he made sure we helped all we could. When I was ten years old, it was decided I was big enough to drive the 2 ton stake truck in the fields, while my Dad and his brothers loaded and stacked the bales. You had to learn to have a steady foot on the clutch. If you jerked the truck too hard the stacked bales could fall, and saying you got "scolded" for that, is the polite way of putting it.



Feb 21, 2013
My wife grew up on a cattle farm in an area hours from the nearest big city. Farm smells were part of her upbringing. There's manure, but then there are the smells of fresh mown hay and blossoms in the spring. However, recent visits home have brought tears from my wife as factory hog farms put out a rank cloud of waste fumes that has nothing to do with farming as we know it. These travel for miles and hang over the otherwise beautiful countryside like a shadow. I ignore the smell as best I can, but to her, it is vileness visited on her Garden of Eden.



Mar 7, 2013
Now here comes a Low riding Truck, going DA TUMP, BOOM BA, DA TUMP BOOM BA. Where is a Bazooka when you need it?
Nah, bazookas only give you one shot, and you might miss. I've found that a surplus flexible .50 cal mounted on your porch railing works best.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
The Ma duece is one bad mamer jammer, and on a light skinned vehicle, highly effective to say the least! I like how you think georged!!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2014
My Dad was in agri-business and used to call that the sweet smell of success. The only complaint I'd ever hear is if my Mom put clothes on the clothesline just before a neighbouring farmer would spread manure and cause her to rewash the clothes. While the smell can be strong at times it's not as bad as some of the smells of the city.



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I think your mayor showed a lot of restraint! What a douche the complainer. Might as well buy a house next to RR tracks and complain about trains.

Jan 4, 2015
The problem with growing up in the city is Bambi and Green Acers are reality when you don't know any better. There was a series on Dark Fired Tobacco recently and the author tells of tourists stopping at the farm house to report barn fires when they were smoking the leaf. Next thing you know they will be calling that "second hand smoke".

I will have to say that even as a farmer and someone who will lend a hand to help within the community of farmers, I am not a fan of high density corporate farming. Giant pig operations and high density chicken houses, these are not things that are started by real farmers, but the brainchildren of mentally disparaged money grubbing CEOs that are happy to see family farms fall. Screw them.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
My girlfriend in high school had a couple of cows and horses. One time we were smoking pot and threw some seeds on the ground and a few months later there was a pot plant 6 ft high as I guess we threw the seeds in some shit. It was in a spot that we harldy ever used so were shock when we came back to it and saw the plant. The weed was crap as the seeds were from some mexican dirt weed.
Also when it comes to doing the shit in the bag trick, there is nothing like a steeming cow patty for the job. Watching a guy go ankle deep as he is trying to put out the fire is too damn funny.



Jan 23, 2015
Citiots!! I dont know why they dont just stay in the city where they belong. :evil:
Nice job the mayor did telling the citiot how it works around there too. :clap:

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