After Cellaring - now what?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2013
Melbourne, Fl
For your boys and girls who cellar their baccy in glass mason jars. My question is when you open up a jar, how do you use the tobacco? Do you:

1) bring that mason jar out, open and simply pull from that jar each time you smoke that product?

2) do you pour the tobacco into something that you then pull from for each smoke (a plastic bag or something?)

3) Pour out some of that tobacco from the mason jar and reseal the jar for later?

4) other - please explain



Dec 22, 2013
New York
None of the above as I only use mason jars for Tambo and twist. It is simply a matter of cutting and dicing before I add it to the pouch.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2013
I don't cellar, per se, but I do buy larger quantities of tobaccos that I like when they are available. By that, I mean that I keep tobacco for a while, but I'm not stockpiling or attempting to age things on purpose. My stash is growing, however, so maybe I am stockpiling? But, I digress.
Large mason jars (1 quart) are used to store larger quantities. Depending on the tobacco and the cut, I can usually cram 8 to 12 ounces into a quart jar. (Remember, the jar ounces are volume, tobacco is sold by weight, hence the discrepancies.) Once I start tapping into the large jar, rather than filling my pipe from a large jar I put some tobacco into either a 4 ounce or 8 ounce jar and use these smaller jars for things that are in rotation and keep the remainder in the quart jar. Sometimes, I'll re-use "American" style tins -- the ones with the plastic lids -- for my short term storage instead of a 4 ounce or 8 ounce jar. Though not so good for long term storage (once opened) they are fine for 6 - 8 weeks. For example, I have a small tin of Westminster and will re-fill it from a quart jar and that seems to work OK for me.



Apr 1, 2013
I cellar in half pint jars, many half pint jars, which hold 3 to 4 ounces each. I jam/cram the tobacco into them, as long as they are not flakes.
I remove a jar from my cellar (also known as the second floor hall closet), open it, and use it like any newly opened tin, removing from the jar the amount for one bowl, and returning the jar to a near-by shelf.
I return a jar to the cellar if/when I don't want it in my regular rotation.



Aug 3, 2010
I have several different size jars. But what I do is dump whatever size jars into another dish with a lid that I pull the tobacco from. As a rule I only do one jar at a time.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2013
Melbourne, Fl

when you return it to the cellar, do you remove the baccy, warm the jar and reseal, or just put it away (out of sight out of mind???



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2013
Melbourne, Fl

Are you suggesting you only smoke one tobacco at a time and when done, pick something else for the duration?

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