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Aug 3, 2013
SF Bay Area
In my "signature" is a Latin phrase (de gustibus non est disputandum) that means "in matters of taste, there can be no dispute" ...
Each of us has a taste profile that is unique to ourself ... what I like has no bearing on what you like because we perceive things differently from one another ...
I can tell you that I spent a lot of time sampling different OTC brands without finding any that provided me with the sort of smoking pleasure that I knew many others got from pipes ... during that period, I liked the IDEA of a pipe, but for me, realization fell a long way short of anticipation ... after finding the tobaccos that DID offer me that smoking satisfaction, I realized that as in too many other things, I had champagne tastes but only a beer budget to satisfy them ...
Bottom line ... I don't smoke as much as I might otherwise if the budget were greater, but I'd rather smoke less than not derive the sort of satisfaction I'm looking for in my pipes ... for those who do achieve the sort of satisfaction they're seeking with less costly OTC brands, congrats ... I cannot dispute you and will not try.
After all, de gustibus non est disputandum



Mar 22, 2011
Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread and SF you are, of course, absolutely right. There is no accounting for taste, so when someone says "this is good! I like it!" there's no need to argue.
But when something is (paraphrasing) 'not as good as the good stuff' and is given descriptions like "dependable", I hope it's OK to ask a few question.



Sep 20, 2011
I have to admit that Carter Hall is growing on me as a daytime smoke. I just can't do the Captain though. The thing about OTCs is they're often not the bargain they appear to be relative to higher quality bulk blends. But they are available everywhere. So good to have a few favorites identified if you're ever in a pinch. But taste being entirely subjective, it's worth it to try them all in case one stands out for you.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
I keep hearing you guys throw around the word quality, there are several OTC blends that have quality ingredients just because it's cheap doesn't mean they use leftover tobacco. It's cheap because they don't sell you a tin or marketing costs or as big a variety of blends. I don think anyone here can say Prince Albert or carter hall is low quality tobacco.



Sep 20, 2011
W- although I enjoy Carter Hall, I would say that CH and other OTCs are "low quality" given the PG content alone. In addition, I would suggest that OTCs are the pipe tobacco version of sheet tobacco: left over burley purchased at discount prices after the high quality blenders have had their pick--- at best. At worst it's literally the sheet tobacco process with a pipe tobacco cut. Hence the availability (mass production) and shelf life. Remember: this isn't your grandfather's Prince Albert we're talking about. Rather, it's simply the brand name that has probably changed hands 3-4 times among mass-market tobacco corporations. And each time the brand name changes hands, the MBAs figure out a way to diminish the quality of the product and extract more bps. That doesn't mean it's not tasty, but it's tasty the way Little Debbie snacks are "tasty". It's the McDonald's of pipe tobacco. And some people swear by McDonald's..



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
Perique, do you know if that's true or is that your opinion? To me Prince Albert looks and taste like quality, I would like to hear from someone in the business like the lane limited rep or Russ O. My take on PG is that does make the tobacco last longer which adds to the storage time which again lowers cost and adds to that "dependability". I don't think the pg automatically makes it a lower grade tobacco. Don't forget pg is an FDA food grade regulated substance, it's harmless. Well except for that bite of smoked to fast :p



Mar 22, 2011
I don't know if OTCs use sheet tobacco or not, but to me they're very flat and tasteless. Not what I would consider "high quality" at all. I think the comparison to McDonald's is a good one.



May 25, 2012
One thing about taste -- it's often about a hell of a lot more than physical sensation, alone. Just the idea of a simple, low-cost, "dependable" tobacco is attractive and enhances the smoking experience.
Also, if you're smoking Carter Hall, and you know from the outset that it's not worth concentrating on or thinking about, you'll have a very different smoke than you might have had if you were smoking the equally "dependable" MM 965 or something similar.
For me, 965 and EMP are my "dependable" English blends. But I love burley -- C&D Burley Flake #2 is my "Carter Hall." But I understand why the OTCs give people enjoyment. Balkan Sobranie was an OTC, as was Edgeworth Sliced.



Aug 12, 2011
I smoke Carter Hall, Prince Albert , Sir Walter Raleigh and Captain Black regular on a weekly basis. I enjoy all of these very much. These are my go to smokes while I am working. Don't know why but always seem to gravitate to them while working and then smoke alot of the McClelland, MacBaren, Frog Morton and Local B&M blends when I have time to just sit and smoke and ponder! May sound stupid but that is just me.



Aug 14, 2011
I enjoy a few OTCs. My fav is prince Albert and Sir Walter Raleigh. I've got a 12oz tub of carter hall that I'm not in love with, but will mix with an aro to make it into something unique.
As for the dependable comment made, I think it was meant in the same way that a high paid flashy executive can be dependable and get the job done, so can the gentleman that mows your lawn.
Not the best way to describe a blend, but he was expressing his feelings the best he could so it's up to you to fill in his good natured comments. Not to poke holes in them.
OTCs are simple, one dimensional for the most part, but sometimes you just want a handful of peanuts and not a six course meal ya know? :wink:
SWR is my handful of peanuts. Goddamn that stuff is good.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
While I can see the appeal of "simple" tobaccos like Carter Hall, Prince Albert, and Half & Half; I'm not a burley fan. These tobaccos, along with Paladin, Captain Black, Middleton's Cherry, and Sir Walter Raleigh are all that the stores around here carry, and I have no interest what-so-ever in attempting to smoke them again.
If by some miracle of God, a Virginia tobacco, or something like Sugar Barrel were to make it's way to my area, I'd give 'em a go.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Most tobaccos in a tin contain Virginia most tobacco in a pouch or plastic tub contain Burley . Most people smoke Burley Aromatics ,most of the people on this website smoke Virginia .That is all . :wink:

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